Accès intérieur.
- Kits de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Tapis de sol( 0 )
- Couvre-siège( 0 )
- Volants( 0 )
- Pare-soleil
- Jauges personnalisées( 0 )
- Doublures de cargaison( 0 )
- Des places( 122 )
- Couvertures de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Boutons de changement de vitesse( 0 )
- Organisateurs de voiture( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Pédales( 0 )
- Voyage pour animaux de compagnie( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Antivol( 11 )
- Sécurité( 3 )
Accès extérieur.
- Marchepieds( 0 )
- Phares
- Élargisseurs d'ailes( 25 )
- Porte-vélos( 0 )
- Dessus souples et rigides( 0 )
- Grilles personnalisées( 0 )
- Feux arrières
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Balais d'essuie-glace( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Garniture chromée( 0 )
- Couvre tonneau( 0 )
- Déflecteurs d'insectes( 0 )
- Garde-boues( 0 )
- Couvre-pneus de secours et transporteurs( 1 )
- Kits carrosserie( 7 )
- Spoiler( 0 )
- Soutiens-gorge de voiture( 0 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Chasse-neige( 0 )
- Pare-chocs hors route( 0 )
- Déflecteurs de vent( 0 )
- Plaques d'immatriculation et cadres( 2 )
- Visières de toit ouvrant( 0 )
- Cornes personnalisées( 0 )
- Accessoires de lit( 0 )
- Portes verticales( 0 )
- Armure et protection( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Barres de toit( 0 )
- Couvertures légères( 2 )
- Enveloppements de voiture( 0 )
- Remorquage et attelages( 1 )
- Housses de voiture( 0 )
- Treuils( 0 )
- Tentes de voiture( 0 )
Performance( 2465 )
- Systèmes de suspension( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Additionneurs de puissance( 0 )
- Freins et disques( 2672 )
- Systèmes de carburant( 0 )
- Les systèmes d'échappement( 50 )
- Systèmes d'allumage( 0 )
- Systèmes d'admission d'air( 0 )
- Pilotage
- Puces de performances( 0 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Composants du moteur( 0 )
- Transmissions et essieux( 2690 )
- Transmission
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Systèmes de refroidissement( 0 )
- Engrenages de course
- Éclairage( 4184 )
- Roues personnalisées( 0 )
- Pneus( 0 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Roues d'usine( 0 )
- Enjoliveurs de roue( 0 )
- Capteurs tpms( 0 )
- Chaînes de pneus( 0 )
- Écrous de roue et serrures( 37 )
- Capuchons centraux( 0 )
- Entretoises de roue( 0 )
- Pneu de rechange couvre et transporteurs( 1 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
Pièces de rechange( 324 )
- Pièces de suspension( 21 )
- Transmission et essieux( 24 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Pièces de frein( 11241 )
- Pièces électriques
- Filtres de rechange( 0 )
- Pièces de moteur( 11534 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Huiles & fluides( 226 )
- Pièces d'échappement( 3 )
- Climatisation et chauffage( 3271 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Pièces de transmission( 4579 )
- Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Refroidissement du moteur( 1964 )
- Pièces d'allumage( 25 )
- Livraison de carburant( 0 )
- Contrôle des émissions( 0 )
- Pièces de direction( 1344 )
- Pièces d'admission d'air( 4066 )
Parties du corps( 0 )
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Quart de panneau( 0 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Phare( 158 )
- Verre automatique( 191 )
- Toit( 0 )
- Feu arrière( 0 )
- Coffres et hayons( 5 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Pare-chocs( 276 )
- Partie intérieure
- Peinture et fournitures de peinture( 267 )
- Aile( 9 )
- Bas de caisse et planchers( 16 )
- Capot( 110 )
- Cadres de châssis et carrosserie( 3253 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Panneau d'en-tête( 0 )
- Des portes( 15 )
- Pièces de fenêtre( 1066 )
Audio et électronique( 6 )
- Stéréos( 0 )
- Haut-parleurs
- Détecteurs de radars( 0 )
- Bluetooth( 0 )
- Caméras et sécurité du conducteur( 0 )
- Caméras d'action et accès.( 0 )
- Alarmes et démarrage à distance( 0 )
- Amplificateur( 0 )
- Caisson de basses( 0 )
- Radios cb et composants( 0 )
- Égaliseurs et processeurs( 0 )
- Antennes et composants( 12 )
- La batterie( 0 )
- Support & chargeurs( 2 )
- Vidéo( 0 )
- Intégration iphone et android( 0 )
Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Outils de vidange d'huile( 0 )
- Outils de service de suspension et de direction( 0 )
- Outils du système électrique( 0 )
- Élévateurs et supports automobiles( 0 )
- Bougie d'allumage et outil d'allumage( 0 )
- Entretien du système de carburant( 0 )
- Outils de diagnostic et de test( 22 )
- Chariots et déménageurs( 0 )
- Outils pour roues et pneus( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien de transmission( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système d'échappement( 0 )
- Plantes grimpantes( 0 )
- Outils de réparation de bosses( 0 )
- Chargeur de batterie et démarreur de saut( 0 )
- Extracteurs et installateurs( 2 )
- Outils de verre automatique( 0 )
- Chariots de service( 0 )
- Recharge du vé( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du moteur( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système de refroidissement( 0 )
- Trousses de verrouillage( 0 )
- Protection des véhicules et des pièces( 0 )
- Machines à tailler les clés( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien des freins( 0 )
- Outils et équipement de climatisation( 0 )
- Valets( 1 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
Services personnalisés
Expédition rapide
À partir de 1 $
Assistance 24h/24 et 7j/7
En ligne 24 heures
Retours acceptés
365 par jour
mode de paiement
paiement sécurisé
Motorad 3003 Radiator Cap Tester Adapter
Prix régulier $0.00 $28.80

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Motorad 3003 Radiator Cap Tester Adapter
This item may interchange to the following part numbers from other brands. This is provided for reference only and does not guarantee that the part your are buying is identical to the part numbers from the brands listed below. To confirm that this part fits your vehicle, enter your vehicles Year, Make, Model, Trim and Engine in the Compatibility Table.
Tester adapter for the MT-300 cooling system pressure testers. Professional grade test equipment to ensure an automotive cooling system is operating at the correct pressure. Made from high quality materials to ensure durability. Designed to test automotive coolant caps. Fits: 42 Ford 1 Ton Pickup, 42 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup, 42 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup, 42 Ford Sedan Delivery, 46-47 Ford 1 Ton Pickup, 46-47 Ford 1/2 Ton Pickup, 46-47 Ford 3/4 Ton Pickup, 46-47 Ford Sedan Delivery, 48-49 Buick Roadmaster Series 70, 48-52 Ford F-1, 48-52 Ford F-2, 48-52 Ford F-3, 48-52 Ford F4, 48-49 GMC 100-22, 48-49 GMC 150-22, 48-49 GMC EF241, 48-49 GMC EF242, 48-52 GMC FC100, 48-50 GMC FC101, 48-50 GMC FC102, 48-52 GMC FC150, 48-50 GMC FC152, 48-50 GMC FC250, 48-50 GMC FC251, 48-50 GMC FC252, 48-50 GMC FC253, 48 Kaiser Custom, 48-51 Kaiser Special, 48 Oldsmobile Series 66, 48 Oldsmobile Series 68, 48 Oldsmobile Series 76, 48 Oldsmobile Series 78, 48-49 Oldsmobile Series 98, 49-93 Cadillac Commercial Chassis, 49 Cadillac Series 60 Special Fleetwood, 49-51 Cadillac Series 61, 49-64 Cadillac Series 62, 49-64 Cadillac Series 75 Fleetwood, 49-75 Chrysler Imperial, 49-96 Chrysler New Yorker, 49 Chrysler Royal Series, 49 Chrysler Saratoga Series, 49-85 Chrysler Town & Country, 49 Chrysler Windsor Series, 51-55 GMC 100-22, 51-55 GMC 150-22, 49-50 GMC FP152, 49-53 Kaiser Deluxe, 49-50 Kaiser Traveler, 49-50 Kaiser Vagabond, 49-50 Kaiser Virginian, 49 Nash 600 Custom, 49-57 Nash Ambassador Custom, 49-57 Nash Ambassador Super, 49 Oldsmobile Series 88, 49-50 Plymouth Deluxe, 49-50 Plymouth Special Deluxe, 49-50 Plymouth Suburban, 49-58 Pontiac Chieftain, 49-52 Pontiac Streamliner, 50-58 Buick Roadmaster, 50-64 Cadillac Series 60 Fleetwood, 50-81 Chrysler Newport, 50 Chrysler Royal, 50-52 Chrysler Saratoga, 50-61 Chrysler Windsor, 50-52 Ford Custom, 50 GMC FC280, 50 GMC FC281, 50-51 GMC P152, 54 Kaiser Special, 52 Kaiser Virginian, 50-58 Lancia Aurelia, 50-54 Lincoln Cosmopolitan, 50-51 Lincoln Lincoln, 50-56 Nash Statesman, 50 Oldsmobile 88, 50-56 Oldsmobile 98, 52-61 Plymouth Suburban, 50-81 Pontiac Catalina, 51-58 Buick Special, 51-58 Buick Super, 51-59 GMC 100, 51-59 GMC 150, 51-59 GMC 250, 51-55 GMC 250-22, 51-54 GMC P150-22, 51 GMC P252, 51 GMC P253, 58-96 Oldsmobile 98, 51-56 Oldsmobile Deluxe 88, 51 Oldsmobile Standard 88, 51-64 Oldsmobile Super 88, 52-75 Chevrolet Bel Air, 52-59 DeSoto Firedome, 52-56 Ford Mainline, 52-60 Ford Sunliner, 52-53 GMC 102-22, 52-53 GMC 253-22, 52 GMC FC100-22, 52-54 GMC PM150-22, 52-54 GMC PM150-24, 52 GMC PM152, 52-54 GMC PM152-22, 52-55 GMC PM252, 52-55 GMC PM253, 52-58 Jeep Willys, 52-54 Kaiser Manhattan, 52-59 Lincoln Capri, 52-53 Plymouth Cambridge, 52 Plymouth Concord, 52-53 Plymouth Cranbrook, 61-69 Buick Special, 53-05 Cadillac DeVille, 53-02 Cadillac Eldorado, 53-82 Chevrolet Corvette, 53-57 Chevrolet One-Fifty Series, 53-58 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery, 53-60 Chevrolet Truck, 53-57 Chevrolet Two-Ten Series, 90-16 Chrysler Town & Country, 53-54 DeSoto Powermaster, 53 Ford Club, 53-74 Ford Country Sedan, 53-74 Ford Country Squire, 53-54 Ford Crestline, 53-56 Ford Customline, 53-83 Ford F-100, 53-97 Ford F-250, 53-97 Ford F-350, 53-60 Ford Victoria, 53-54 GMC 100-24, 53-54 GMC 150-24, 53-54 GMC 250-24, 53 GMC PM150, 54-55 GMC PM152, 53-54 Hudson Jet, 53-54 Hudson Super Wasp, 53-55 International R100, 53-55 International R102, 53-55 International R110, 53-55 International R111, 53-55 International R112, 53-55 International R120, 53-55 International R121, 53-55 International R122, 53-55 International R130, 53-55 International R131, 53-55 International R132, 53 Kaiser Carolina, 53 Kaiser Dragon, 53-63 Lancia Appia, 53-74 Mercury Monterey, 54-57 Oldsmobile 88, 53 Oldsmobile Fiesta, 53-70 Plymouth Belvedere, 53-61 Plymouth Savoy, 54-58 Buick Century, 54 Buick Skylark, 54 Chevrolet 1500, 84-96 Chevrolet Corvette, 81-83 Chrysler Imperial, 57-60 Chrysler Saratoga, 55-59 Ford Club, 54-60 Ford Courier Sedan Delivery, 57 Ford Custom, 54-59 Ford Skyliner, 55 GMC PM150, 54 GMC PM250-24, 58 GMC PM252, 58 GMC PM253, 54 GMC Truck, 54-55 Hudson Hornet, 54 Hudson Jetliner, 54 Hudson Super Jet, 54-55 Hudson Wasp, 54 Kaiser Darrin, 54-56 Mercury Custom, 54-57 Oldsmobile Starfire, 54-58 Plymouth Plaza, 63 Plymouth Savoy, 55-58 Chevrolet Nomad, 55-71 Chrysler 300, 55-56 Chrysler Nassau, 55-56 Chrysler St Regis, 55-61 DeSoto Fireflite, 55-70 Ford Fairlane, 55-74 Ford Ranch Wagon, 55-88 Ford Thunderbird, 55 GMC PM151, 58-59 GMC PM152, 55 GMC PM153, 55 GMC PM250, 56-60 GMC Truck, 55-56 Hudson Rambler, 55-56 Jaguar Mark VII, 55-56 Jaguar XK140, 55 Lincoln Custom, 55-60 Mercury Montclair, 55-57 Nash Rambler, 55-57 Packard Clipper, 55-66 Pontiac Star Chief, 55 Studebaker President, 56-61 DeSoto Adventurer, 56 Ford Park Lane Wagon, 58-59 GMC PM150, 56-57 International S100, 56-57 International S102, 56-57 International S110, 56-57 International S112, 56-57 International S120, 56-57 International S122, 56-57 International S130, 56-57 International S132, 56 Jaguar 2.4, 56 Jeep 475, 56-64 Jeep 6-226, 56-57 Lincoln Mark II, 56-60 Lincoln Premier, 56 Mercury Medalist, 56 Nash Ambassador Special, 57-59 Oldsmobile Fiesta, 56 Packard Executive, 56-78 Plymouth Fury, 56 Studebaker Flight Hawk, 56-58 Studebaker Golden Hawk, 56 Studebaker Power Hawk, 56 Studebaker Sky Hawk, 81 Chevrolet Bel Air, 57-59 DeSoto Firesweep, 57-59 Dodge D100 Pickup, 57-59 Dodge D200 Pickup, 57-59 Dodge D300 Pickup, 57-59 Dodge Power Wagon, 57-59 Dodge Truck, 57-59 Dodge W100 Pickup, 57-59 Dodge W200 Pickup, 57-59 Dodge W300 Pickup, 57-60 Ford Custom 300, 57-58 Ford Del Rio Wagon, 57-79 Ford Ranchero, 58-59 GMC PM151, 58-59 GMC PM250, 57-58 International A100 Truck, 57-58 International A102, 57-58 International A110, 57-58 International A112, 57-58 International A120, 57-58 International A122, 57-58 International A130, 57-58 International A132, 57-58 International AM80, 57-60 Jeep F4, 57-62 Jeep F4-134, 57-66 Jeep FC150, 57-66 Jeep FC170, 57-68 Lancia Flaminia, 57-74 Mercury Colony Park, 57-68 Mercury Commuter, 58 Mercury Medalist, 57 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser, 57-59 Mercury Voyager, 61-63 Oldsmobile Fiesta, 61-66 Oldsmobile Starfire, 57-05 Pontiac Bonneville, 57-58 Pontiac Super Chief, 57-59 Studebaker Silver Hawk, 58-74 American Motors Ambassador, 58-68 American Motors American, 58-60 American Motors Rambler, 58-60 American Motors Rebel, 58 Buick Limited, 58 Cadillac Series 70 Fleetwood Eldorado, 58-72 Chevrolet Biscayne, 58-61 Chevrolet Brookwood, 58 Chevrolet Del Ray, 58-85 Chevrolet Impala, 58-66 Dodge Wm300 Power Wagon, 58 Edsel Bermuda, 58 Edsel Citation, 58-59 Edsel Corsair, 58 Edsel Pacer, 58-60 Edsel Ranger, 58 Edsel Roundup, 58-60 Edsel Villager, 58 Fargo FL6 Panel Delivery, 58 Fargo FL6 Pickup, 58 Fargo FL8 Panel Delivery, 58 Fargo FL8 Pickup, 59 GMC PM153, 58-59 GMC PM251, 58-60 Jeep FA-134, 58-80 Lincoln Continental, 64-68 Mercury Montclair, 58-59 Mercury Park Lane, 58-59 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88, 58 Packard Hawk, 58 Packard Packard, 58-61 Plymouth Custom, 59-90 Buick Electra, 59-64 Buick Estate Wagon, 59-63 Buick Invicta, 59-05 Buick LeSabre, 59-63 Checker A9, 59-63 Checker A9L, 59-61 Checker Aerobus, 59-64 Checker Taxicab, 59 Chevrolet 3B, 59 Chevrolet 3C, 59 Chevrolet 3D, 59 Chevrolet 3E, 59 Chevrolet 3F, 59 Chevrolet 3G, 59-60 Chevrolet El Camino, 59-65 Fargo F100 Panel Delivery, 59-65 Fargo F100 Pickup, 59-65 Fargo FW100 Panel Delivery, 59-65 Fargo FW100 Pickup, 59-67 Ford Galaxie, 59-60 International B100, 59-60 International B102, 59-60 International B110, 59-60 International B112, 59-60 International B120, 59-60 International B122, 59-60 International B130, 59-60 International B132, 59-66 Jeep CJ3, 59-83 Jeep CJ5, 59-75 Jeep CJ6, 59-66 Jeep DJ3, 82-94 Lincoln Continental, 59-60 Mercury Country Cruiser, 61-66 Oldsmobile Dynamic 88, 59-63 Studebaker Lark, 61-72 Buick Skylark, 60-63 Checker Superba, 60-62 Chevrolet C10 Panel, 60-74 Chevrolet C10 Pickup, 60-74 Chevrolet C20 Pickup, 60-62 Chevrolet C30 Panel, 60-74 Chevrolet C30 Pickup, 60-62 Chevrolet C40, 60-74 Chevrolet K10 Pickup, 60-74 Chevrolet K20 Pickup, 60-66 Chevrolet Suburban, 90-93 Chrysler Imperial, 60-67 Dodge D100 Series, 60-67 Dodge D200 Series, 60-67 Dodge D300 Series, 60-89 Dodge Dart, 60 Dodge Matador, 60-61 Dodge Phoenix, 60-61 Dodge Pioneer, 60-73 Dodge Polara, 60-61 Dodge Seneca, 60-67 Dodge W100 Series, 60-67 Dodge W200 Series, 60-67 Dodge W300 Series, 60-63 Fiat 1200, 64-72 Ford Custom, 60-70 Ford Falcon, 60 Ford Starliner, 60-65 GMC 1000 Series, 60-65 GMC 1500 Series, 60-65 GMC 2500 Series, 60-66 GMC Suburban, 60 Jaguar 3.4, 60-61 Jaguar 3.8, 60-61 Jaguar XK150, 60 Jeep Utility Wagon, 60 Lincoln Lincoln Series, 60-69 Mercury Comet, 60-61 Plymouth Fleet Special, 60-61 Plymouth Sport Wagon, 60-76 Plymouth Valiant, 60-61 Pontiac Ventura, 60-63 Studebaker Hawk, 61-66 American Motors Classic, 64 Checker Aerobus, 61-72 Checker Marathon, 64-67 Chevrolet C10 Panel, 64-66 Chevrolet C30 Panel, 61-62 Chevrolet P20 Series, 61-62 Chevrolet P30 Series, 61-64 Citroen DS19, 61-64 Citroen ID19, 61 DeSoto DeSoto, 61-62 Dodge Lancer, 61-67 Ford Econoline, 61-65 Ford Falcon Sedan Delivery, 61-62 GMC V3000 Forward Control, 61-62 International C100, 61-62 International C102, 61-62 International C110, 61-62 International C112, 61-62 International C120, 61-62 International C122, 61-62 International C130, 61-62 International C132, 61-70 International Scout, 61-67 Jeep Dispatcher, 61-64 Jeep FJ3A, 61-67 Jeep Universal, 61-62 Jeep Utility, 71-77 Mercury Comet, 63 Mercury Country Cruiser, 61-63 Mercury Meteor, 61 Oldsmobile Classic 98, 61-81 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 61-72 Oldsmobile F85, 61-67 Peugeot 403, 61-70 Peugeot 404, 63 Plymouth Fleet Special, 61-70 Pontiac Tempest, 61 Renault 4CV, 61 Renault Caravelle, 61 Renault Dauphine, 61 Studebaker 6E10, 61 Studebaker 6E12, 61 Studebaker 6E12D, 61 Studebaker 6E5, 61 Studebaker 6E7, 61 Studebaker 6E7D, 75-91 Buick Skylark, 66-68 Checker Aerobus, 62-68 Chevrolet Chevy II, 64-87 Chevrolet El Camino, 62 Chevrolet P10 Series, 62-66 Fiat 1100, 62-67 Ford Club Wagon, 62-74 Ford Galaxie 500, 62-65 Ford Station Bus, 62-63 Hillman Super Minx, 62-66 Jaguar Mark X, 62-74 Jaguar XKE, 62-65 Jeep 6-230, 62-63 Jeep Tornado, 63-64 Jeep Utility Wagon, 64-68 Mercury Park Lane, 62-67 Mercury Villager, 62-63 Oldsmobile Jetfire, 62-03 Pontiac Grand Prix, 62-70 Pontiac Parisienne, 62 Studebaker 7E10, 62 Studebaker 7E12, 62 Studebaker 7E12D, 62 Studebaker 7E5, 62 Studebaker 7E7, 62-63 Studebaker Cruiser, 62-63 Studebaker Daytona, 62-63 Studebaker Gran, 62-64 Triumph TR4, 66-70 American Motors Rebel, 63-93 Buick Riviera, 63-70 Buick Wildcat, 70-72 Checker Aerobus, 69-72 Checker Taxicab, 63-66 Fiat 1100D, 63-64 Fiat 600D, 63-64 Ford Sprint, 63 Ford Zephyr, 63-64 Ford Zodiac, 63-64 Hillman Husky, 63-64 Hillman Minx, 63-64 International C1000, 63-64 International C1100, 63-64 International C1200, 63-64 International C1300, 63-64 International M Series Van, 63-65 Jeep F-134, 63-66 Jeep FC170HD, 63-67 Jeep Gladiator, 63-73 Jeep J-100, 63-65 Jeep J-200, 63-65 Jeep J-210, 63-65 Jeep J-220, 63-65 Jeep J-230, 63-65 Jeep J-300, 63-65 Jeep J-310, 63-65 Jeep J-320, 63-65 Jeep J-330, 63-65 Jeep Truck, 63-70 Jeep Wagoneer, 63-65 Mercedes-Benz 220, 63-70 Mercury Marauder, 66-67 Mercury Voyager, 63-81 Pontiac LeMans, 63-67 Simca 1000, 63-67 Simca 1000S, 63-64 Studebaker 8E10, 63-64 Studebaker 8E12, 63-64 Studebaker 8E12D, 63-64 Studebaker 8E5, 63-64 Studebaker 8E7, 63-64 Studebaker 8E7D, 63-64 Studebaker Avanti, 63-68 Sunbeam Rapier, 63-80 Triumph Spitfire, 70-83 Buick Estate Wagon, 95-99 Buick Riviera, 64-72 Buick Sportwagon, 64-73 Chevrolet Chevelle, 64-67 Chevrolet Malibu, 64-67 Fiat 1500, 64-77 Ford Custom 500, 64-73 Ford Mustang, 64-66 GMC I1000, 64 Jeep FJ3, 72-87 Jeep Wagoneer, 64-67 Mercury Caliente, 64-71 Mercury Cyclone, 64 MG Magnette, 64 MG MGB, 64-66 Morris Minor, 85-96 Oldsmobile Cutlass, 64-66 Oldsmobile Jetstar 88, 64-75 Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser, 64-72 Opel Kadett, 64-72 Opel Rekord, 64-74 Plymouth Barracuda, 64-73 Pontiac GTO, 64-67 Sunbeam Tiger, 65-67 American Motors Marlin, 65-67 Buick Gran Sport, 65-76 Cadillac Calais, 65-93 Cadillac Fleetwood, 69-72 Chevrolet Brookwood, 65-83 Datsun Pickup, 65 Dodge 880, 65-76 Dodge Coronet, 68-74 Dodge D100 Pickup, 68-74 Dodge D200 Pickup, 68-74 Dodge D300 Pickup, 65-78 Dodge Monaco, 68-74 Dodge W100 Pickup, 68-74 Dodge W200 Pickup, 68-74 Dodge W300 Pickup, 87-91 Ford Country Squire, 65-86 Ford LTD, 65-67 Ford P-100, 65-66 GMC I1500, 65-66 GMC I2500, 65 International AB120, 65 International AB1200, 65 International AM120, 65 International AM130, 65 International CM110, 65 International CM75, 65 International CM80, 65 International D1000, 65 International D1100, 65 International D1200, 65 International D1300, 65 International D300, 65-72 International M1100, 65-72 International M1200, 65-67 International M1400, 65-67 International M700, 65-71 International M800, 65-83 Jeep DJ5, 65-68 Jeep DJ6, 65-73 Jeep J-2500, 65-70 Jeep J-2600, 65-70 Jeep J-2700, 65-68 Jeep J-2800, 65-70 Jeep J-3500, 65-70 Jeep J-3600, 65-70 Jeep J-3700, 65-70 Jeep J-3800, 68-73 Mercedes-Benz 220, 65-71 Oldsmobile 442, 65-91 Oldsmobile Delta 88, 75-80 Oldsmobile Starfire, 65-67 Plymouth Belvedere II, 65-74 Plymouth Fury II, 65-74 Plymouth Fury III, 65-74 Plymouth Satellite, 65-67 Triumph TR4A, 69 American Motors Rambler, 66-93 Chevrolet Caprice, 66-78 Dodge Charger, 66-67 Fargo D100 Panel Delivery, 66-72 Fargo D100 Pickup, 66-72 Fargo D110 Pickup, 66-67 Fargo D200 Panel Delivery, 66-72 Fargo D200 Pickup, 66-72 Fargo D210 Pickup, 66-67 Fargo W100 Panel Delivery, 66-72 Fargo W100 Pickup, 66-72 Fargo W200 Pickup, 66-96 Ford Bronco, 66 GMC 1000, 66 GMC 1500, 66 GMC 2500, 66 GMC I3500, 66 GMC K1000, 66 GMC K1000 Pickup, 66-74 GMC K15/K1500 Pickup, 66 International 1000A, 66 International 1100A, 66 International 1200A, 66 International 1300A, 69 International M1400, 66-68 Jeep CJ5A, 66-68 Jeep CJ6A, 66-67 Jeep Commando, 72-73 Jeep J-2600, 66-71 Jeep Jeepster, 66-67 Mercury Capri, 67 MG MGB, 66-92 Oldsmobile Toronado, 66-76 VAM Classic, 67-86 Chevrolet C10 Suburban, 67 Chevrolet C20 Panel, 67-86 Chevrolet C20 Suburban, 67-02 Chevrolet Camaro, 67-86 Chevrolet K10 Suburban, 67 Chevrolet K20 Panel, 67-86 Chevrolet K20 Suburban, 67-68 Dodge Wm300 Pickup, 67 Ford Anglia, 67-74 GMC C15/C1500 Pickup, 67-74 GMC C15/C1500 Suburban, 67-74 GMC C25/C2500 Pickup, 67-74 GMC C25/C2500 Suburban, 67-74 GMC C35/C3500 Pickup, 67-74 GMC K15/K1500 Suburban, 67-74 GMC K25/K2500 Pickup, 67-74 GMC K25/K2500 Suburban, 67 International 1000B, 67 International 1100B, 67 International 1200B, 67 International 1300B, 67 International 908B, 67-71 International MA1200, 67 Jaguar 340, 67 Jaguar 420, 67-68 Land Rover Land Rover, 67 Mercury Brougham, 67-88 Mercury Cougar, 67-86 Mercury Marquis, 69-75 MG MGB, 67-97 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, 67-68 Oldsmobile Delmont 88, 67-68 Opel Olimpico, 67-71 Plymouth GTX, 67 Plymouth VIP, 67-70 Pontiac Executive, 67-02 Pontiac Firebird, 76-86 Pontiac Parisienne, 67-68 Rover 2000, 67-68 Saab 95, 67-68 Saab 96, 67 Saab Monte Carlo, 67-82 Toyota Corona, 67-73 Triumph GT6, 68-70 American Motors AMX, 68-74 American Motors Javelin, 68-70 Austin America, 68-71 BMW 2500, 73-05 Buick Century, 68-69 Buick GS 350, 68-69 Buick GS 400, 68-74 Chevrolet K30 Pickup, 68-70 Dodge A100 Truck, 68-70 Dodge A108 Van, 68 Dodge M300, 68-70 Fargo A100 Van, 68-70 Fargo A108 Van, 68-70 Ford P-350, 68-76 Ford Torino, 68-74 GMC K35/K3500 Pickup, 68 International 1000C, 68 International 1100C, 68 International 1200C, 68 International 1300C, 68-69 International 908C, 68-71 Lincoln Mark III, 68 Mercedes-Benz 200, 68 Mercedes-Benz 200D, 68-73 Mercedes-Benz 220D, 68-69 Mercedes-Benz 230, 68-72 Mercedes-Benz 250, 68-71 Mercedes-Benz 280S, 68-73 Mercedes-Benz 280SE, 68-73 Mercedes-Benz 280SEL, 68-71 Mercedes-Benz 280SL, 68-73 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL, 68-72 Mercedes-Benz 600, 70-74 Mercury Capri, 68-76 Mercury Montego, 77-80 MG MGB, 68-69 MG MGC, 68-69 Nissan 1600, 68-69 Nissan 2000, 68 Nissan 520 Pickup, 68-70 Opel Rallye, 68-74 Plymouth Fury I, 68-75 Plymouth Road Runner, 68 Saab Sonett, 68-82 Toyota Corolla, 68-72 Toyota Crown, 68 Triumph TR250, 68-73 VAM Javelin, 69-70 AM General DJ5, 69-71 BMW 1600, 69-71 BMW 1800, 69-72 BMW 2000, 69 BMW 2000c, 69 BMW 2000cs, 69-71 BMW 2000ti, 69-72 BMW 2000tii, 69-76 BMW 2002, 69-71 BMW 2002ti, 69-74 BMW 2800, 69-71 BMW 2800CS, 69-70 Checker Deluxe, 69-74 Chevrolet Blazer, 69-70 Chevrolet Estate, 69-74 Chevrolet G10 Van, 69-74 Chevrolet G20 Van, 69-72 Chevrolet Kingswood, 73-83 Chevrolet Malibu, 69-79 Chevrolet Nova, 69-72 Chevrolet Townsman, 69-72 Fargo W110 Pickup, 69-70 Ford Cortina, 69-83 Ford E-100 Econoline, 69-74 Ford E-200 Econoline, 69-74 Ford E-300 Econoline, 79-96 Ford Mustang, 69-70 International 1000D, 69-70 International 1100D, 69-70 International 1200D, 69-70 International 1300D, 69 International M800 Navy, 69-70 International M800 Post Office, 76-77 Mercury Capri, 87-91 Mercury Colony Park, 69-73 MG Midget, 69-73 Nissan 510, 69-72 Nissan 521 Pickup, 69-73 Opel Opel, 71-77 Pontiac Ventura, 69-74 Toyota Hi-Lux, 69-86 Toyota Land Cruiser, 69-85 Toyota Pickup, 69-76 Triumph TR6, 69-74 Volvo 142, 69-74 Volvo 144, 69-74 Volvo 145, 69-74 Volvo 164, 70-78 Alfa Romeo Spider, 72-74 AM General DJ5, 70-78 American Motors Gremlin, 70-77 American Motors Hornet, 70-72 Buick GS, 70-72 Buick GS 455, 70-72 Checker A11, 70-72 Checker A11E, 70-88 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 70-74 Chevrolet P10 Van, 70-74 Chevrolet P20 Van, 70-74 Chevrolet P30 Van, 70 Dodge A100, 70-74 Dodge Challenger, 83-87 Dodge Charger, 70-77 Ford Maverick, 70-74 GMC G15/G1500 Van, 70-74 GMC G25/G2500 Van, 70-05 GMC Jimmy, 70-74 GMC P15/P1500 Van, 70-74 GMC P25/P2500 Van, 70-74 GMC P35/P3500 Van, 72 International M800 Post Office, 70 Jaguar XJ, 72-73 Jeep Commando, 70 Jeep J-4500, 70 Jeep J-4600, 70 Jeep J-4700, 70 Jeep J-4800, 70-72 Mercedes-Benz 250C, 79-86 Mercury Capri, 75-79 MG Midget, 70-73 Nissan 240Z, 70-74 Plymouth Cuda, 70-76 Plymouth Duster, 70 Plymouth Superbird, 70-72 Subaru Star, 70 Volvo 1800, 71-78 American Motors Matador, 71 BMW 1600-2, 71 BMW 1602, 71 BMW 1802, 71 BMW 2.8 Bavaria, 71-74 BMW 2002tii, 71-74 BMW 3.0CS, 71-74 BMW 3.0CSi, 71 BMW 3.0CSL, 71-74 BMW 3.0S, 71 BMW 3.0Si, 71-73 Buick Centurion, 71-74 Chevrolet G30 Van, 71-77 Chevrolet Vega, 71-74 Dodge B100 Van, 71-74 Dodge B200 Van, 71-74 Dodge B300 Van, 71-72 Fargo B100 Van, 71-72 Fargo B200 Van, 71-72 Fargo B300 Van, 71-80 Ford Pinto, 71-74 GMC G35/G3500 Van, 71-77 GMC Sprint, 71-73 International 1310, 71-80 International Scout II, 72-73 Jeep J-4500, 72-73 Jeep J-4600, 72-73 Jeep J-4700, 72-73 Jeep J-4800, 75-76 Mercedes-Benz 280S, 77-80 Mercedes-Benz 280SE, 71-73 Nissan 1200, 71-92 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser, 71-75 Opel 1900, 71 Opel Deluxe, 71-75 Opel Manta, 71-76 Plymouth Scamp, 71-78 Pontiac Grand Safari, 71-75 Pontiac Grandville, 71-85 Toyota Celica, 71-73 Triumph Stag, 72-77 Audi 100 Series, 72 Audi Super 90, 72-74 BMW Bavaria, 00-03 Chevrolet Impala, 72-74 Chevrolet Luv Pickup, 72-79 Fiat 128, 72-82 Ford Courier, 72-76 Ford Gran Torino, 72-73 International 1010, 72-73 International 1110, 72-73 International 1210, 72-74 International MS1210, 72-73 Jaguar XJ6, 72-76 Lincoln Mark IV, 72-77 Mazda 808, 72-76 Mazda B1600, 72-74 Mazda RX-2, 72-78 Mazda RX-3, 74-78 Mercedes-Benz 230, 72-73 Mercedes-Benz 350SL, 72-74 Nissan 620 Pickup, 72-73 Plymouth Cricket, 72-77 Plymouth Gran Fury, 73 Saab Sonett, 72-73 Subaru Deluxe, 72-75 Subaru GL, 72-73 Toyota Carina, 72-76 Toyota Mark II, 73 Volvo 1800, 73-79 Audi Fox, 73-75 Austin Marina, 73-75 Buick Apollo, 73-04 Buick Regal, 73-76 Chevrolet Laguna, 73-84 Datsun Sedan, 78-83 Dodge Challenger, 73-83 Dodge Colt, 74 Dodge M300, 73-82 Fiat 124, 73-80 Ford B-100, 73-87 Honda Civic, 73-79 Jaguar XJ12, 73-76 Mercedes-Benz 280, 73-76 Mercedes-Benz 280C, 73-76 Mercedes-Benz 450SE, 73-80 Mercedes-Benz 450SEL, 73-80 Mercedes-Benz 450SL, 73-80 Mercedes-Benz 450SLC, 78-81 Nissan 510, 73-76 Nissan 610, 73-84 Oldsmobile Omega, 73-75 Pontiac Grand Am, 73-82 Subaru DL, 73-83 VAM American, 73-75 VAM Gremlin, 75-76 BMW 3.0Si, 74-80 Dodge CB300, 74 Dodge M350, 74-96 Dodge Ramcharger, 74-83 Fiat X-1/9, 74-78 Ford Mustang II, 74 International 100, 74-75 International 200, 74 International MHC1310, 74-01 Jeep Cherokee, 74-88 Jeep J10, 74-88 Jeep J20, 74 Jensen Healey, 74-75 Mazda Rotary Pickup, 74-78 Mazda RX-4, 74-83 Mercedes-Benz 240D, 74-75 Nissan 260Z, 74-77 Nissan 710, 74-78 Nissan B210, 74-82 Peugeot 504, 80-89 Plymouth Gran Fury, 74 Plymouth PB100 Van, 74 Plymouth PB200 Van, 74 Plymouth PB300 Van, 74-81 Plymouth Trailduster, 74-80 Saab 99, 74-79 Volkswagen Dasher, 75-77 Alfa Romeo Alfetta, 78-80 American Motors AMX, 75-80 American Motors Pacer, 75-78 BMW 530i, 75-80 Buick Skyhawk, 75-86 Chevrolet C10, 75-87 Chevrolet C20, 75-86 Chevrolet C30, 75-95 Chevrolet G10, 75-95 Chevrolet G20, 75-96 Chevrolet G30, 75-86 Chevrolet K10, 75-86 Chevrolet K20, 75-86 Chevrolet K5 Blazer, 75-82 Chevrolet LUV, 75-80 Chevrolet Monza, 75-80 Chevrolet P10, 75-89 Chevrolet P20, 75-99 Chevrolet P30, 75-83 Chrysler Cordoba, 75-79 Chrysler Valiant, 75-80 Dodge B100, 75-80 Dodge B200, 75-80 Dodge B300, 75-79 Dodge D100, 75-80 Dodge D200, 75-80 Dodge D300, 75-77 Dodge Royal Monaco, 75-77 Dodge W100, 75-80 Dodge W200, 75-80 Dodge W300, 75-78 Fiat 131, 75-83 Ford E-100 Econoline Club Wagon, 75-97 Ford E-150 Econoline, 75-97 Ford E-150 Econoline Club Wagon, 75-97 Ford E-250 Econoline, 75-91 Ford E-250 Econoline Club Wagon, 75-97 Ford E-350 Econoline, 75-76 Ford Elite, 75-96 Ford F-150, 75-76 Ford F-500, 75-82 Ford Granada, 75-78 GMC C15, 75-78 GMC C15 Suburban, 75-78 GMC C25, 75-78 GMC C25 Suburban, 75-78 GMC C35, 75-78 GMC G15, 75-78 GMC G25, 75-78 GMC G35, 75-78 GMC K15, 75-78 GMC K15 Suburban, 75-78 GMC K25, 75-78 GMC K25 Suburban, 75-78 GMC P15, 75-78 GMC P25, 75-78 GMC P35, 75 International 150, 75 International MS, 75 International Travelall, 77 Mazda Rotary Pickup, 75-85 Mercedes-Benz 300D, 75-80 Mercury Bobcat, 75-92 Mercury Grand Marquis, 75-80 Mercury Monarch, 75-78 Nissan 280Z, 75-79 Nissan 620, 75-80 Oldsmobile Cutlass Salon, 75-80 Plymouth PB100, 75-80 Plymouth PB200, 75-80 Plymouth PB300, 75-77 Pontiac Astre, 78-80 Pontiac Grand Am, 75-83 Pontiac Grand LeMans, 75-79 Subaru GF, 79-82 Subaru GL, 75-81 Triumph TR7, 82-89 Buick Skyhawk, 76-99 Cadillac Seville, 76-87 Chevrolet Chevette, 95-03 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 01-02 Chevrolet P30, 76-80 Dodge Aspen, 99-01 Dodge Ramcharger, 76-89 Honda Accord, 76-86 Jeep CJ7, 76-79 Lancia Beta, 76-78 Mazda Cosmo, 76-77 Mazda Mizer, 87 Mercedes-Benz 300D, 76-78 Nissan F10, 76 Oldsmobile Cutlass Tiara, 76-80 Plymouth Arrow, 76-85 Plymouth Colt, 76-80 Plymouth Volare, 76-78 Pontiac Acadian, 76-81 Pontiac Laurentian, 76-80 Pontiac Sunbird, 76-82 Subaru Standard, 79-83 VAM Gremlin, 76-79 VAM Pacer, 86-89 Alfa Romeo Spider, 77-83 BMW 320i, 77-78 BMW 630CSi, 77-86 Chevrolet K30, 77-95 Chrysler LeBaron, 82-83 Chrysler Valiant, 77-93 Dodge D150, 77-89 Dodge Diplomat, 91-92 Dodge Monaco, 77-93 Dodge W150, 77-97 Ford E-350 Econoline Club Wagon, 77-79 Ford LTD II, 77-78 GMC K35, 79-89 Jaguar XJ6, 81 Lancia Beta, 77-79 Lincoln Mark V, 77-80 Lincoln Versailles, 77-78 Mazda B1800, 77-85 Mazda GLC, 77-81 Mercedes-Benz 280E, 77-83 Nissan 200SX, 77-81 Nissan 810, 77-79 Peugeot 604, 83 Plymouth Scamp, 80-87 Pontiac Acadian, 77-84 Pontiac Phoenix, 87-89 Pontiac Tempest, 77-79 Porsche 924, 78 Alfa Romeo Sprint, 78-83 American Motors Concord, 78-84 BMW 633CSi, 78-84 BMW 733i, 78-90 Chevrolet C50, 78-81 Dodge D400, 78-81 Dodge D450, 78-79 Dodge Magnum, 78-90 Dodge Omni, 78-80 Dodge RD200, 78-81 Fiat Brava, 78-83 Ford Fairmont, 78-80 Ford Fiesta, 78-87 GMC Caballero, 78-81 Mercedes-Benz 280CE, 78-85 Mercedes-Benz 300CD, 90-93 Mercedes-Benz 300D, 78-85 Mercedes-Benz 300SD, 78-83 Mercury Zephyr, 78-84 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais, 81-84 Peugeot 604, 78-89 Plymouth Caravelle, 78-90 Plymouth Horizon, 78-83 Plymouth Sapporo, 91 Pontiac Tempest, 81-82 Porsche 924, 78-91 Porsche 928, 78-82 Subaru Brat, 78-84 Toyota Cressida, 79-83 American Motors Spirit, 79-81 BMW 528i, 84-89 Dodge D100, 79-82 Dodge D50, 81-88 Dodge Magnum, 79-81 Dodge St. Regis, 79-82 Fiat Strada, 79-86 GMC C1500, 79-86 GMC C1500 Suburban, 79-86 GMC C2500, 79-86 GMC C2500 Suburban, 79-86 GMC C3500, 79-95 GMC G1500, 79-95 GMC G2500, 79-96 GMC G3500, 79-86 GMC K1500, 79-86 GMC K1500 Suburban, 79-86 GMC K2500, 79-86 GMC K2500 Suburban, 79-86 GMC K3500, 79-80 GMC P1500, 79-89 GMC P2500, 79-99 GMC P3500, 79-89 Honda Prelude, 79-81 International 1754, 79-81 International 1824, 79-81 International 1854, 79-81 International 1924 S, 79-81 International 1954, 79-82 International 2275, 79-90 International 2554, 79-90 International 2574, 79-89 International 2575, 79-84 Mazda 626, 79-84 Mazda B2000, 79-85 Mazda RX-7, 79-85 Mercedes-Benz 300TD, 79-82 Nissan 210, 79-83 Nissan 280ZX, 79-82 Nissan 310, 85-87 Oldsmobile Cutlass Salon, 79-82 Plymouth Arrow Pickup, 79-82 Plymouth Champ, 85-91 Pontiac Grand Am, 93-95 Porsche 928, 79-81 Saab 900, 79 Subaru FE, 79 Volkswagen Transporter, 80-88 American Motors Eagle, 80-91 Chevrolet B60, 80-90 Chevrolet C60, 80-90 Chevrolet C70, 80-83 Chevrolet Citation, 80-82 Chevrolet P40, 87-91 Chevrolet Suburban, 80-83 Dodge Mirada, 80-87 Ford B-600, 80-93 Ford B-700, 80-82 Ford C600, 80-82 Ford C700, 80-82 Ford C7000, 80-82 Ford C800, 80-82 Ford C8000, 80-82 Ford F-600, 80-82 Ford F-700, 80-81 Ford F-800, 80-81 Ford L800, 80-82 Ford LN600, 80-82 Ford LN700, 80-82 Ford LN800, 80-91 GMC B6000, 88-99 GMC C1500, 88-00 GMC C2500, 88-00 GMC C3500, 80-90 GMC C5000, 80-90 GMC C6000, 80-90 GMC C7000, 88-99 GMC K1500, 88-00 GMC K2500, 88-00 GMC K3500, 80-89 GMC P4500, 80-81 International 1654, 80-81 International 1925 S, 80-81 International 1955, 80 International S1824, 80 International S1924, 80 International S1925, 80 International S2125, 80 International S2524, 80 Jaguar XJS, 80-83 Lincoln Mark VI, 86 Mazda B2000, 87 Mercedes-Benz 300TD, 80-86 Nissan 720, 80-83 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser, 80-91 Peugeot 505, 80 Rover 3500, 80-82 Subaru GLF, 80-82 Toyota Tercel, 80-81 Triumph TR8, 80-82 VAM Lerma, 87-05 Chevrolet Blazer, 81-89 Dodge Aries, 81-94 Dodge B150, 81-94 Dodge B250, 81-94 Dodge B350, 81-93 Dodge D250, 81-93 Dodge D350, 81-93 Dodge W250, 81-93 Dodge W350, 81-85 Ford B-150, 81 Ford C900, 81-91 Ford CL9000, 81-91 Ford CLT9000, 81-89 Ford CT8000, 81-90 Ford Escort, 81 Ford L8000, 81 Ford L900, 81-82 Ford L9000, 81-82 Ford LN7000, 81-82 Ford LN8000, 81 Ford LN900, 81-82 Ford LN9000, 81-82 Ford LNT800, 81-82 Ford LNT8000, 81-82 Ford LNT9000, 81-82 Ford LT8000, 81-82 Ford LT9000, 81-82 Ford LTS8000, 81-82 Ford LTS9000, 81 International F2575, 81 International S1754, 81 International S1854, 81 International S1954, 81 International S1955, 81-89 International S2554, 81-84 Isuzu I-Mark, 81-85 Isuzu Pickup, 82-96 Jaguar XJS, 81-85 Jeep Scrambler, 81-92 Lincoln Town Car, 81-83 Mercedes-Benz 380SEL, 81-85 Mercedes-Benz 380SL, 81-87 Mercury Lynx, 88-91 Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais, 81-83 Plymouth PB150, 81-83 Plymouth PB250, 81-83 Plymouth PB350, 81-89 Plymouth Reliant, 86-94 Pontiac Sunbird, 81-87 Pontiac T1000, 81-82 Toyota Starlet, 81-83 VAM Rally, 91-93 Buick Roadmaster, 82-88 Cadillac Cimarron, 82-94 Chevrolet Cavalier, 82-90 Chevrolet Celebrity, 86 Chevrolet Citation, 82-04 Chevrolet S10, 82-83 Dodge 400, 82-84 Dodge Rampage, 82-88 Ford EXP, 82 Ford LTL9000, 82-90 GMC S15, 86-88 International 2275, 82 International F2574, 82-89 Jaguar Vanden Plas, 82-84 Mazda B2200, 88-91 Mercedes-Benz 300SEL, 82-83 Mercury LN7, 82-84 Nissan Maxima, 82-86 Nissan Sentra, 82-86 Nissan Stanza, 82-96 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, 82-88 Oldsmobile Firenza, 82-91 Pontiac 6000, 82-83 Pontiac J2000, 87-88 Porsche 924, 82-84 Volkswagen Vanagon, 83-86 Alfa Romeo GTV-6, 83-84 BMW 533i, 83-94 Chevrolet S10 Blazer, 83-84 Chrysler E Class, 83-84 Chrysler Executive Sedan, 83-89 Chrysler Fifth Avenue, 83-88 Dodge 600, 85-89 Dodge Lancer, 83-86 Dodge Power Ram 50, 83-86 Dodge Ram 50, 86-89 Dodge W100, 83-96 Ford Ranger, 83-91 GMC S15 Jimmy, 83-85 International 2276 S, 83-85 International F2276 S, 83-84 Isuzu Impulse, 83 Mercedes-Benz 380SEC, 83-85 Mitsubishi Cordia, 83-86 Mitsubishi Mighty Max, 83-89 Mitsubishi Montero, 83-84 Mitsubishi Tredia, 83 Nissan Pulsar, 83-86 Nissan Pulsar NX, 87-94 Oldsmobile Cutlass Cruiser, 83-85 Plymouth Turismo, 83-91 Porsche 944, 83-85 Renault Alliance, 84 Chevrolet C15, 84 Chevrolet C35, 84-85 Chevrolet Citation II, 84-93 Chrysler Daytona, 84-86 Chrysler Laser, 84-86 Chrysler Volare, 84-07 Dodge Caravan, 84-93 Dodge Daytona, 84-88 Dodge Mini Ram, 92-93 Ford B-600, 84-90 Ford Bronco II, 84-91 Ford Tempo, 92-99 GMC C1500 Suburban, 92-99 GMC C2500 Suburban, 92-99 GMC K1500 Suburban, 92-99 GMC K2500 Suburban, 84 Honda Wagovan, 87-89 International 2276 S, 84-85 Isuzu Trooper, 84-91 Jeep Grand Wagoneer, 84-93 Lada Niva, 84-92 Lincoln Mark VII, 84-89 Mercedes-Benz 190D, 84-93 Mercedes-Benz 190E, 92-93 Mercedes-Benz 300SD, 84-85 Mercedes-Benz 380SE, 84-85 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC, 84-85 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL, 84-91 Mercury Topaz, 84-89 Nissan Pickup, 84 Nissan Tsuru, 84-00 Plymouth Voyager, 84-88 Pontiac Fiero, 84-85 Pontiac J2000 Sunbird, 84-85 Renault Encore, 84-85 Toyota 4Runner, 85-86 BMW 524td, 85-88 BMW 535i, 85-89 BMW 635CSi, 85-86 BMW 735i, 85 Buick Somerset Regal, 85-05 Chevrolet Astro, 85-91 Ford B-200, 85-88 Ford Cougar, 85-05 GMC Safari, 86-87 Honda Wagovan, 93 Jeep Grand Wagoneer, 85-86 Merkur XR4Ti, 85-86 Nissan Sakura, 85-87 Oldsmobile Calais, 85 Plymouth Turismo 2.2, 86-89 Acura Integra, 86-89 Acura Legend, 86-87 Buick Somerset, 87-91 Chevrolet C35, 86-97 Ford Aerostar, 86 Ford B-200 Panel, 86-90 Ford F-200, 89-97 Ford P-350, 86-95 Ford Taurus, 86-94 Ford Topaz, 89 International F2276 S, 87 International F2574, 87 International F2575, 86-92 Jeep Comanche, 86-87 Lada Signet, 86-93 Mercedes-Benz 300E, 86-87 Mercedes-Benz 300SDL, 86-91 Mercedes-Benz 420SEL, 86-91 Mercedes-Benz 560SEC, 86-91 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 86-89 Mercedes-Benz 560SL, 86-95 Mercury Sable, 86-89 Yugo GV, 87 Alfa Romeo Milano, 87-88 BMW M6, 87-93 Cadillac Allante, 87-92 Cadillac Brougham, 87-91 Chevrolet Beretta, 87-91 Chevrolet Corsica, 87-95 Chevrolet LLV, 87 Chevrolet R10, 87-88 Chevrolet R10 Suburban, 87-88 Chevrolet R20, 87-88 Chevrolet R20 Suburban, 87-88 Chevrolet R30, 87 Chevrolet V10, 87-88 Chevrolet V10 Suburban, 87 Chevrolet V20, 87-88 Chevrolet V20 Suburban, 87-88 Chevrolet V30, 87-94 Chrysler Phantom, 87-10 Dodge Dakota, 87-20 Dodge Grand Caravan, 87-89 Dodge Raider, 87-94 Dodge Shadow, 90-94 Ford F-600, 90-98 Ford F-700, 87-91 Ford LTD Crown Victoria, 87 GMC R1500, 87-91 GMC R1500 Suburban, 87-89 GMC R2500, 87-91 GMC R2500 Suburban, 87-91 GMC R3500, 87 GMC V1500, 87-91 GMC V1500 Suburban, 87 GMC V2500, 87-91 GMC V2500 Suburban, 87-91 GMC V3500, 87-00 Isuzu FSR, 87-95 Jeep Wrangler, 89-93 Lada Signet, 87-90 Land Rover Range Rover, 87-89 Mercedes-Benz 260E, 87 Mitsubishi Precis, 92-99 Oldsmobile 88, 87-89 Plymouth Expo, 87-00 Plymouth Grand Voyager, 87-94 Plymouth Sundance, 87-89 Pontiac Safari, 88 BMW 535is, 88-91 BMW M3, 88 BMW M5, 88-91 Buick Reatta, 88-99 Chevrolet C1500, 88-00 Chevrolet C2500, 88-00 Chevrolet C3500, 88-99 Chevrolet K1500, 88-00 Chevrolet K2500, 88-00 Chevrolet K3500, 88-90 Chevrolet S7, 05-19 Chrysler 300, 88-93 Chrysler Dynasty, 06-21 Dodge Charger, 12 Dodge Dakota, 88-93 Dodge Dynasty, 88-92 Eagle Premier, 88-97 Ford F-53 Motorhome Chassis, 88-94 Ford F-59 Commercial Stripped Chassis, 90-98 Ford F-800, 88-97 Ford F-Super Duty, 90-93 Ford LN7000, 90-97 Ford LN8000, 88-92 Isuzu EVR, 88-96 Isuzu FTR, 88-92 Isuzu FVR, 97-17 Jeep Wrangler, 88-93 Lada Samara, 88-93 Mercedes-Benz 300CE, 88-93 Mercedes-Benz 300SE, 88-93 Mercedes-Benz 300TE, 88 Pontiac Optima, 89-91 Chevrolet R1500 Suburban, 89 Chevrolet R2500, 89-91 Chevrolet R2500 Suburban, 89-91 Chevrolet R3500, 89-91 Chevrolet V1500 Suburban, 89-91 Chevrolet V2500 Suburban, 89-91 Chevrolet V3500, 21 Chrysler 300, 89-94 Chrysler Shadow, 89-91 Chrysler TC Maserati, 89-95 Dodge Spirit, 93 Ford Cougar, 98-02 Isuzu FTR, 94-96 Isuzu FVR, 89 Isuzu NPR, 89-91 Peugeot 405, 89-95 Plymouth Acclaim, 90 Pontiac Optima, 90-91 Chevrolet C5500 Kodiak, 90-96 Chevrolet C60 Kodiak, 90-96 Chevrolet C70 Kodiak, 90-01 Chevrolet Lumina, 90-96 Chevrolet Lumina APV, 90-95 Chrysler Spirit, 90 Ford CF6000, 90-97 Ford CF7000, 90-94 Ford CF8000, 90 Ford FT800, 90-97 Ford L8000F, 98-00 Isuzu FVR, 90-93 Mercedes-Benz 300SL, 90-91 Mercedes-Benz 350SDL, 92-93 Mercedes-Benz 500SEL, 90-93 Mercedes-Benz 500SL, 90-04 Oldsmobile Silhouette, 90-98 Pontiac Trans Sport, 91-93 Buick Commercial Chassis, 91-05 Buick Park Avenue, 91-02 Chevrolet C3500HD, 91-94 Ford Explorer, 91-02 GMC C3500HD, 91-04 GMC Sonoma, 91 GMC Syclone, 91-94 Mazda Navajo, 91 Mercedes-Benz 350SD, 93 Mercedes-Benz 500SEC, 91-94 Oldsmobile Bravada, 92-99 Chevrolet C1500 Suburban, 92-99 Chevrolet C2500 Suburban, 92-99 Chevrolet K1500 Suburban, 92-99 Chevrolet K2500 Suburban, 92-06 Dodge Viper, 92 Ford Crown Victoria, 92-93 GMC Typhoon, 92-00 GMC Yukon, 92 International 4700, 92 International 4700LP, 92 International 4800, 92-93 Mercedes-Benz 400E, 92 Mercedes-Benz 400SE, 92-93 Mercedes-Benz 500E, 92-93 Mercedes-Benz 600SEL, 96-01 Oldsmobile Bravada, 92-95 Porsche 968, 93 Cadillac 60 Special, 93-00 Chevrolet B7, 93-04 Chrysler Concorde, 93-04 Chrysler Intrepid, 93-04 Dodge Intrepid, 08-10 Dodge Viper, 93-97 Eagle Vision, 93-97 Ford LS8000F, 93-98 GMC B7, 93-21 Jeep Grand Cherokee, 93 Mercedes-Benz 400SEL, 93 Mercedes-Benz 600SEC, 93 Mercedes-Benz 600SL, 94-01 AM General Hummer, 94-02 Chrysler Grand Voyager, 94-97 Chrysler LHS, 94-08 Chrysler Voyager, 94-10 Dodge Ram 1500, 94-10 Dodge Ram 2500, 94-10 Dodge Ram 3500, 94-95 Ford Sable, 94-95 Mazda B2300, 94 Mazda B3000, 94 Mazda B4000, 94-96 Mercedes-Benz C220, 94-96 Mercedes-Benz C280, 94-95 Mercedes-Benz E320, 94-95 Mercedes-Benz E420, 94 Mercedes-Benz E500, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz S320, 94-95 Mercedes-Benz S350, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz S420, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz S500, 94-99 Mercedes-Benz S600, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz SL320, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz SL500, 94-97 Mercedes-Benz SL600, 95-99 Chevrolet Silverado, 95-00 Chevrolet Tahoe, 95-10 Chrysler Cirrus, 99-01 Chrysler LHS, 95-97 Chrysler Stratus, 95-98 Dodge B1500, 95-98 Dodge B2500, 95-98 Dodge B3500, 05-08 Dodge Magnum, 95-02 Dodge Ram 4000, 95-06 Dodge Stratus, 95-97 Isuzu FRR, 95-97 Mercedes-Benz C36 AMG, 95 Mercedes-Benz E300, 95 Mercedes-Benz S600L, 05-06 Pontiac GTO, 96-02 Chevrolet Express 1500, 96-02 Chevrolet Express 2500, 96-02 Chevrolet Express 3500, 96-10 Chrysler Sebring, 96 Ford Econoline Super Duty, 96-02 GMC Savana 1500, 96-02 GMC Savana 2500, 96-02 GMC Savana 3500, 96-00 Isuzu Hombre, 96-97 Mercedes-Benz CL500, 96-97 Mercedes-Benz CL600, 96-99 Oldsmobile LSS, 96-00 Plymouth Breeze, 97 Aston Martin DB7, 97-08 Chevrolet C6500 Kodiak, 97-08 Chevrolet C7500 Kodiak, 97-05 Chevrolet Venture, 08-21 Dodge Challenger, 05-10 Dodge Ram 4000, 15 Dodge Viper, 97 Ford F-250 HD, 97 Ford F-450 Super Duty, 97 Ford Lobo, 97-02 GMC C6500 Topkick, 97-02 GMC C7500 Topkick, 00-01 Isuzu FRR, 97-98 Jeep TJ, 97-00 Mercedes-Benz C230, 97-04 Mercedes-Benz SLK230, 97-98 Oldsmobile Regency, 97 Plymouth Prowler, 98-09 Dodge Durango, 00-06 Jeep TJ, 98-99 Oldsmobile Intrigue, 99-01 Plymouth Prowler, 99-00 Cadillac Escalade, 99-04 Chrysler 300M, 11-21 Dodge Durango, 99-03 Dodge Ram 1500 Van, 99-03 Dodge Ram 2500 Van, 99-03 Dodge Ram 3500 Van, 99-06 Pontiac Montana, 03-09 Chevrolet C5500 Kodiak, 01-02 Chrysler Prowler, 01-03 Oldsmobile Aurora, 01-05 Pontiac Aztek, 02-07 Buick Rendezvous, 02-06 Freightliner Sprinter 2500, 02-04 Hummer H1, 02-13 Jeep Liberty, 02-08 Mini Cooper, 03-08 Chevrolet C4500 Kodiak, 03-08 Chevrolet C8500, 03-06 Dodge Sprinter 2500, 03-06 Dodge Sprinter 3500, 03-05 Dodge SX 2.0, 03-06 Freightliner Sprinter 3500, 06 Hummer H1, 04-08 Chrysler Pacifica, 04-06 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, 05-06 Buick Terraza, 05-06 Chevrolet Uplander, 05-06 Saturn Relay, 06-10 Jeep Commander, 06-08 Mitsubishi Raider, 07-09 Chrysler Aspen, 07-12 Dodge Caliber, 07-12 Dodge Nitro, 07-17 Jeep Compass, 07-17 Jeep Patriot, 08-14 Dodge Avenger, 08-10 Dodge Ram 4500, 08-10 Dodge Ram 5500, 09-18 Dodge Journey, 09-12 Volkswagen Routan, 11-14 Chrysler 200, 11-21 Ram 1500, 11-18 Ram 2500, 11-18 Ram 3500, 11-17 Ram 4000, 11-12 Ram 5500, 11 Ram Dakota, 12-15 Ram C/V, 14-15 Mazda CX-9, 14-15 Mazda MX-5 Miata, 14 Mercedes-Benz CL65 AMG, 16-17 Chevrolet LCF 3500, 18 Jeep Wrangler JK, 19-21 Ram 1500 Classic |
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We carry performance and replacement parts, along with every consumer item you’ll ever need. Take advantage of our huge distribution network in the United States and Canada, we're able to ship direct to you, so we can get your order into your hands faster than the competition. Our goal is to exceed your expectations. And we’ve built a system to do just that. | ![]() |
![]() | Our company combines hard-core drag racers and auto enthusiasts with tech-savvy engineers and developers — all car lovers — to create a webstore that gives you an unmatched shopping experience — and we deliver it fast. Very fast. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar retail outlets, our inventory isn’t limited to what we can pack into a storefront or what a counter clerk may be able to find. While they can only offer you hundreds of items, you’re just a few clicks away from millions of parts when you shop PartsHawk — all in stock and ready to ship. And since we don’t own any of those expensive stores, we can offer our parts for less, and that saves you money on every part, every day. A better shopping experience, for every product for every car, whenever you order. |
With the industry’s largest selection of consumer, performance and classic parts, information-rich website, world-class customers service and crazy-fast shipping, PartsHawk has become a new and easier way to purchase any auto part online. And we guarantee it. | ![]() |
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| RETURN POLICY PartsHawk stands behind every item we sell. Occasionally, there may be an issue with your item or your order and we will do our best to ensure you are 100% satisfied. We offer a 60 day exchange or refund policy on all orders. Within 60 days or receipt of your order you may request a return for either an exchange or a refund. All product returns must be in the original packaging, have not been used, installed or damaged due to improper installation. All parts, hardware, documents and instructions must be included in the returns. PartsHawk will also support the manufacture’s warranty for all item during the warranty period offered by the manufacturer. |
Carriers and Ship Methods: We ship most packages to the contiguous 48 states using USPS, UPS or FedEx. Upon shipping we determine the closest distribution center to you and the quickest method. | Note: We do not accept returns for Car Computers, Performance tuners or Vehicle Programmers. If the product is defective we will exchange the unit for the exact item. No new returns on these products. |
Large Parcel Items: For large items (bumpers, side steps, bed covers, etc.), these may be shipped through a truck delivery service. If you are having issues tracking your package please contact us so we can assist you. | Return Check List
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GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM How does shipping work? Placing an order outside the US is easy! In fact, eBay handles the entire transaction for you once we have shipped the product to their warehouse in Kentucky. Once the order has shipped you will receive a tracking number from our warehouse to Kentucky and then another tracking number from Kentucky to you. Additional Charges and Fees Additional shipping, duties and taxes will be calculated by eBay during check out. | Outside the US? Don't worry, PartsHawk is currently shipping to over 100 countries Check the Shipping and Payments section above to see if this item can be shipped to you. |
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What if my order shows shipped but the package is not moving? At times there is a delay in the carrier’s tracking for updates. Please allow up to 24 hours for your tracking to update. If you still do not see any movement, please contact our Customer Service Department and we will be happy to assist. |
What if I am not available when the carrier tries to deliver? If there is no response when the package arrives, the driver may leave the package nearest to the street or make a second delivery attempt on the next business day. Please check your tracking info as it will let you know the next steps for delivery attempt. |
How can I get a copy of my receipt or invoice?
What if the tracking number is not working after 24 hours? Depending on the size of your item, it could be shipped with a truck carrier and will require you to be present at time of delivery. Please feel free to reach out to us and we will provide additional details. | I have special delivery instructions (i.e. Leave by back door, leave with neighbor, place in the planter on the left of my garage, etc.) We recommend leaving a note for the carrier on the door nearest to the street as we do not have a way to communicate those requests for you. |
Why did my item ship from a different location? Many parts are stocked in more than one warehouse location. As a result your order may ship from a location other than the location shown in the listing. In most cases the shipping location will be closer to delivery address as we always try to ship from the closest warehouse to minimize transit times. In some circumstances intraday sales and other inventory changes may result in your item being shipped from a location further from your delivery address. |
Do I have to be there to sign for my package? If your order is over $250 there is a possibility it was shipped with a signature required option. The easiest way to check is to locate the tracking number for your order and open on the carrier’s website. There is no additional cost to you for this service. | Can I pickup my part/order from your warehouse? Sorry, we do not offer the pickup in warehouse option as our warehouses do not have public access | How do I know if this part will fit my vehicle? Check the vehicle compatibility guide above or just reach out to us. Updated 10.19.2023 |
Votre commande de 100$ ou plus bénéficie de la livraison standard gratuite.
- Livraison standard 4-5 jours ouvrables
- Express livré 2-4 jours ouvrables
Les commandes sont traitées et livrées du lundi au vendredi (hors jours fériés)
Les membres eMarket bénéficient de retours gratuits .