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- Couvre-siège( 0 )
- Volants( 0 )
- Pare-soleil
- Jauges personnalisées( 0 )
- Doublures de cargaison( 0 )
- Des places( 122 )
- Couvertures de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Boutons de changement de vitesse( 0 )
- Organisateurs de voiture( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Pédales( 0 )
- Voyage pour animaux de compagnie( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Antivol( 11 )
- Sécurité( 3 )
Accès extérieur.
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- Phares
- Élargisseurs d'ailes( 25 )
- Porte-vélos( 0 )
- Dessus souples et rigides( 0 )
- Grilles personnalisées( 0 )
- Feux arrières
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Balais d'essuie-glace( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Garniture chromée( 0 )
- Couvre tonneau( 0 )
- Déflecteurs d'insectes( 0 )
- Garde-boues( 0 )
- Couvre-pneus de secours et transporteurs( 1 )
- Kits carrosserie( 7 )
- Spoiler( 0 )
- Soutiens-gorge de voiture( 0 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Chasse-neige( 0 )
- Pare-chocs hors route( 0 )
- Déflecteurs de vent( 0 )
- Plaques d'immatriculation et cadres( 2 )
- Visières de toit ouvrant( 0 )
- Cornes personnalisées( 0 )
- Accessoires de lit( 0 )
- Portes verticales( 0 )
- Armure et protection( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Barres de toit( 0 )
- Couvertures légères( 2 )
- Enveloppements de voiture( 0 )
- Remorquage et attelages( 1 )
- Housses de voiture( 0 )
- Treuils( 0 )
- Tentes de voiture( 0 )
Performance( 2465 )
- Systèmes de suspension( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Additionneurs de puissance( 0 )
- Freins et disques( 2672 )
- Systèmes de carburant( 0 )
- Les systèmes d'échappement( 50 )
- Systèmes d'allumage( 0 )
- Systèmes d'admission d'air( 0 )
- Pilotage
- Puces de performances( 0 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Composants du moteur( 0 )
- Transmissions et essieux( 2690 )
- Transmission
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Systèmes de refroidissement( 0 )
- Engrenages de course
- Éclairage( 4186 )
- Roues personnalisées( 0 )
- Pneus( 0 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Roues d'usine( 0 )
- Enjoliveurs de roue( 0 )
- Capteurs tpms( 0 )
- Chaînes de pneus( 0 )
- Écrous de roue et serrures( 37 )
- Capuchons centraux( 0 )
- Entretoises de roue( 0 )
- Pneu de rechange couvre et transporteurs( 1 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
Pièces de rechange( 324 )
- Pièces de suspension( 21 )
- Transmission et essieux( 24 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Pièces de frein( 11241 )
- Pièces électriques
- Filtres de rechange( 0 )
- Pièces de moteur( 11539 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Huiles & fluides( 226 )
- Pièces d'échappement( 3 )
- Climatisation et chauffage( 3271 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Pièces de transmission( 4578 )
- Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Refroidissement du moteur( 1964 )
- Pièces d'allumage( 25 )
- Livraison de carburant( 0 )
- Contrôle des émissions( 0 )
- Pièces de direction( 1342 )
- Pièces d'admission d'air( 4066 )
Parties du corps( 0 )
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Quart de panneau( 0 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Phare( 158 )
- Verre automatique( 190 )
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- Des portes( 15 )
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Audio et électronique( 6 )
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- Bluetooth( 0 )
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- Caméras d'action et accès.( 0 )
- Alarmes et démarrage à distance( 0 )
- Amplificateur( 0 )
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- Radios cb et composants( 0 )
- Égaliseurs et processeurs( 0 )
- Antennes et composants( 12 )
- La batterie( 0 )
- Support & chargeurs( 2 )
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- Intégration iphone et android( 0 )
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Engine Coolant Thermostat for Equinox, Torrent, Rendezvous+Mor
Prix régulier $0.00 $36.83
eBay Engine Coolant Thermostat for Equinox, Torrent, Rendezvous+More 7267-195 Fitment Chart: Years Make Model Liters Cylinders Notes 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD...

Engine Coolant Thermostat for Equinox, Torrent, Rendezvous+More 7267-195
Part Category: Engine Coolant Thermostat
Brand: Motorad
Manufacturer Part Number: 7267-195
Label: Fail-Safe
Product Type: Factory Replacement
Type: Engine Coolant Thermostat
Number of Pieces: 1
Sealing Flange Outside Diameter: 1.8
Gasket Or Seal Included: Yes
Jiggle Pin Weep Hole: No
Bypass Diameter: 0.92 in
Bypass Length: 1.37 in
Flange Thickness: 0.05 in
Gasket/Seal Material: Rubber
Gasket/Seal Material: Rubber
Installation Tool Included: No
Number Of Seals: 1
Temperature: 195 deg. f
Temperature (Degree): 195
Interchange Part Number: 1601-291001 7267-195 76795 97267195 NI P7267-195 SS195-7627
Brand Label: Fail-Safe
Important Information:
Please use eBay Vehicle Compatibility Guide to determine fitment to your vehicle.
We offer a 30 day return policy on new and unused items in original packaging. Please see the Returns section of the listing for full return policy information.
Damaged items can only be exchanged once the original shipment is received back.
This ships via standard shipping.
We ship from multiple warehouses and will always ship from the closest warehouse to your location.
International orders are handled exclusively through the eBay Global Shipping Program.
Fitment Chart:
Years | Make | Model | Liters | Cylinders | Notes |
2007 | Chevrolet | Silverado 2500 HD Classic | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2007 | Chevrolet | Silverado 3500 Classic | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2007 | GMC | Sierra 2500 HD Classic | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2007 | GMC | Sierra 3500 Classic | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2006-2007 | Buick | Rendezvous | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2006-2009 | Pontiac | Torrent | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2006 | Buick | Terraza | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2009 | Chevrolet | Equinox | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2006 | Chevrolet | Uplander | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2006 | Pontiac | G6 | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2006 | Pontiac | Montana | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2005-2006 | Saturn | Relay | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2004-2006 | Chevrolet | Malibu | 3.5L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1990-2005 | Buick | Century | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2002-2005 | Buick | Rendezvous | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2002-2006 | Chevrolet | Avalanche 2500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | GMC | Sierra 2500 HD | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | GMC | Sierra 3500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2002 | Chevrolet | Express 3500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | Chevrolet | Silverado 2500 HD | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | Chevrolet | Silverado 3500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | Chevrolet | Suburban 2500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2002 | GMC | Savana 3500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2006 | GMC | Yukon XL 2500 | 8.1L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2001-2005 | Pontiac | Aztek | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
2000-2005 | Chevrolet | Impala | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | Chevrolet | Express 3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1995-1999 | Chevrolet | Monte Carlo | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | GMC | C2500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1999-2004 | Oldsmobile | Alero | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1999-2005 | Pontiac | Grand Am | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1999-2005 | Pontiac | Montana | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1994-1998 | Buick | Skylark | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | GMC | C3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | GMC | K2500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | GMC | K3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | GMC | Savana 3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1994-1998 | Oldsmobile | Achieva | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1997-2003 | Chevrolet | Malibu | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1997-2005 | Chevrolet | Venture | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1988-1999 | Oldsmobile | Cutlass | 3.1L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | Chevrolet | C2500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-1999 | Chevrolet | C2500 Suburban | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | Chevrolet | C3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | Chevrolet | K2500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-1999 | Chevrolet | K2500 Suburban | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-2000 | Chevrolet | K3500 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996 | Chevrolet | Lumina APV | 3.4L | V6 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-1999 | Chevrolet | P30 | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
1996-1999 | GMC | C2500 Suburban | 7.4L | V8 | "The patented Fail-Safe (R) thermostat is the only thermostat on the market designed to lock in the open position, allowing coolant to continue to flow in the event of overheating."; Temperature 195F; Includes seal; OE Specified Temperature |
Part Category: Engine Coolant Thermostat
Brand: Motorad
Manufacturer Part Number: 7267-195
Label: Fail-Safe
Product Type: Factory Replacement
Type: Engine Coolant Thermostat
Number of Pieces: 1
Sealing Flange Outside Diameter: 1.8
Gasket Or Seal Included: Yes
Jiggle Pin Weep Hole: No
Bypass Diameter: 0.92 in
Bypass Length: 1.37 in
Flange Thickness: 0.05 in
Gasket/Seal Material: Rubber
Gasket/Seal Material: Rubber
Installation Tool Included: No
Number Of Seals: 1
Temperature: 195 deg. f
Temperature (Degree): 195
Interchange Part Number: 1601-291001 7267-195 76795 97267195 NI P7267-195 SS195-7627
Brand Label: Fail-Safe
Important Information:
- Product Notes - If the product notes states "with" or "without", this means this will fit if your vehicle is equipped "with" or "without" that feature. For example, if it states "with fog lamps", this means your vehicle must be equipped with fog lamps. This does not mean that fog lamps are included.
Please use eBay Vehicle Compatibility Guide to determine fitment to your vehicle.
- Select your vehicle using the eBay Compatibility Guide
- Important: Hover or click the Notes section to view additional fitment information
We offer a 30 day return policy on new and unused items in original packaging. Please see the Returns section of the listing for full return policy information.
Damaged items can only be exchanged once the original shipment is received back.
This ships via standard shipping.
We ship from multiple warehouses and will always ship from the closest warehouse to your location.
International orders are handled exclusively through the eBay Global Shipping Program.
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