Accès intérieur.
- Kits de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Tapis de sol( 0 )
- Couvre-siège( 0 )
- Volants( 0 )
- Pare-soleil
- Jauges personnalisées( 0 )
- Doublures de cargaison( 0 )
- Des places( 122 )
- Couvertures de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Boutons de changement de vitesse( 0 )
- Organisateurs de voiture( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Pédales( 0 )
- Voyage pour animaux de compagnie( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Antivol( 11 )
- Sécurité( 3 )
Accès extérieur.
- Marchepieds( 0 )
- Phares
- Élargisseurs d'ailes( 25 )
- Porte-vélos( 0 )
- Dessus souples et rigides( 0 )
- Grilles personnalisées( 0 )
- Feux arrières
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Balais d'essuie-glace( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Garniture chromée( 0 )
- Couvre tonneau( 0 )
- Déflecteurs d'insectes( 0 )
- Garde-boues( 0 )
- Couvre-pneus de secours et transporteurs( 1 )
- Kits carrosserie( 7 )
- Spoiler( 0 )
- Soutiens-gorge de voiture( 0 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Chasse-neige( 0 )
- Pare-chocs hors route( 0 )
- Déflecteurs de vent( 0 )
- Plaques d'immatriculation et cadres( 2 )
- Visières de toit ouvrant( 0 )
- Cornes personnalisées( 0 )
- Accessoires de lit( 0 )
- Portes verticales( 0 )
- Armure et protection( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Barres de toit( 0 )
- Couvertures légères( 2 )
- Enveloppements de voiture( 0 )
- Remorquage et attelages( 1 )
- Housses de voiture( 0 )
- Treuils( 0 )
- Tentes de voiture( 0 )
Performance( 2465 )
- Systèmes de suspension( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Additionneurs de puissance( 0 )
- Freins et disques( 2672 )
- Systèmes de carburant( 0 )
- Les systèmes d'échappement( 50 )
- Systèmes d'allumage( 0 )
- Systèmes d'admission d'air( 0 )
- Pilotage
- Puces de performances( 0 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Composants du moteur( 0 )
- Transmissions et essieux( 2690 )
- Transmission
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Systèmes de refroidissement( 0 )
- Engrenages de course
- Éclairage( 4186 )
- Roues personnalisées( 0 )
- Pneus( 0 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Roues d'usine( 0 )
- Enjoliveurs de roue( 0 )
- Capteurs tpms( 0 )
- Chaînes de pneus( 0 )
- Écrous de roue et serrures( 37 )
- Capuchons centraux( 0 )
- Entretoises de roue( 0 )
- Pneu de rechange couvre et transporteurs( 1 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
Pièces de rechange( 324 )
- Pièces de suspension( 21 )
- Transmission et essieux( 24 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Pièces de frein( 11241 )
- Pièces électriques
- Filtres de rechange( 0 )
- Pièces de moteur( 11534 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Huiles & fluides( 226 )
- Pièces d'échappement( 3 )
- Climatisation et chauffage( 3271 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Pièces de transmission( 4579 )
- Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Refroidissement du moteur( 1964 )
- Pièces d'allumage( 25 )
- Livraison de carburant( 0 )
- Contrôle des émissions( 0 )
- Pièces de direction( 1342 )
- Pièces d'admission d'air( 4066 )
Parties du corps( 0 )
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Quart de panneau( 0 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Phare( 158 )
- Verre automatique( 190 )
- Toit( 0 )
- Feu arrière( 0 )
- Coffres et hayons( 5 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Pare-chocs( 276 )
- Partie intérieure
- Peinture et fournitures de peinture( 267 )
- Aile( 9 )
- Bas de caisse et planchers( 16 )
- Capot( 110 )
- Cadres de châssis et carrosserie( 3253 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Panneau d'en-tête( 0 )
- Des portes( 15 )
- Pièces de fenêtre( 1066 )
Audio et électronique( 6 )
- Stéréos( 0 )
- Haut-parleurs
- Détecteurs de radars( 0 )
- Bluetooth( 0 )
- Caméras et sécurité du conducteur( 0 )
- Caméras d'action et accès.( 0 )
- Alarmes et démarrage à distance( 0 )
- Amplificateur( 0 )
- Caisson de basses( 0 )
- Radios cb et composants( 0 )
- Égaliseurs et processeurs( 0 )
- Antennes et composants( 12 )
- La batterie( 0 )
- Support & chargeurs( 2 )
- Vidéo( 0 )
- Intégration iphone et android( 0 )
Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Outils de vidange d'huile( 0 )
- Outils de service de suspension et de direction( 0 )
- Outils du système électrique( 0 )
- Élévateurs et supports automobiles( 0 )
- Bougie d'allumage et outil d'allumage( 0 )
- Entretien du système de carburant( 0 )
- Outils de diagnostic et de test( 22 )
- Chariots et déménageurs( 0 )
- Outils pour roues et pneus( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien de transmission( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système d'échappement( 0 )
- Plantes grimpantes( 0 )
- Outils de réparation de bosses( 0 )
- Chargeur de batterie et démarreur de saut( 0 )
- Extracteurs et installateurs( 2 )
- Outils de verre automatique( 0 )
- Chariots de service( 0 )
- Recharge du vé( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du moteur( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système de refroidissement( 0 )
- Trousses de verrouillage( 0 )
- Protection des véhicules et des pièces( 0 )
- Machines à tailler les clés( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien des freins( 0 )
- Outils et équipement de climatisation( 0 )
- Valets( 1 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
Services personnalisés
Expédition rapide
À partir de 1 $
Assistance 24h/24 et 7j/7
En ligne 24 heures
Retours acceptés
365 par jour
mode de paiement
paiement sécurisé
Motorad 1TS1006 Coolant Temperature Sensor
Prix régulier $0.00 $42.15

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Motorad 1TS1006 Coolant Temperature Sensor
This item may interchange to the following part numbers from other brands. This is provided for reference only and does not guarantee that the part your are buying is identical to the part numbers from the brands listed below. To confirm that this part fits your vehicle, enter your vehicles Year, Make, Model, Trim and Engine in the Compatibility Table.
Approved materials for increased durability in even the most extreme temperatures. All MotoRad Coolant Temperature Sensors are designed to meet or exceed OEM specifications at our ISO TS16949 manufacturing facilities. Fits: 81 Renault R18, 01-06 Ford Escape, 01-05 Ford Explorer Sport Trac, 01 Ford Fiesta, 01-05 Ford Mondeo, 01-10 Mazda B4000, 01-04 Mazda Tribute, 02-10 Ford Explorer, 02-03 Ford Explorer Sport, 07-10 Ford Explorer Sport Trac, 03-07 Ford Fiesta, 02-04 Ford Focus, 02-10 Mercury Mountaineer, 12-19 Ford Explorer, 04-14 Ford EcoSport, 04-11 Ford Ranger, 11-19 Ford Fiesta, 05-07 Ford Five Hundred, 05-07 Ford Freestyle, 05-10 Ford Mustang, 05-07 Mercury Montego, 13-19 Ford Escape, 08 Mazda B3000, 13-18 Ford Focus, 12-18 Ford Edge, 12-17 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque, 13-18 Ford C-Max, 13-20 Ford Fusion, 13-17 Ford Taurus, 13-15 Jaguar XF, 13-15 Land Rover LR2, 13-16 Lincoln MKT, 13-20 Lincoln MKZ, 14-18 Ford Special Service Police Sedan, 15-17 Land Rover Discovery Sport, 15-19 Lincoln MKC, 17 Jaguar XE, 19-20 Ford Police Responder Hybrid, 19-20 Ford SSV Plug-In Hybrid |
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We carry performance and replacement parts, along with every consumer item you’ll ever need. Take advantage of our huge distribution network in the United States and Canada, we're able to ship direct to you, so we can get your order into your hands faster than the competition. Our goal is to exceed your expectations. And we’ve built a system to do just that. | ![]() |
![]() | Our company combines hard-core drag racers and auto enthusiasts with tech-savvy engineers and developers — all car lovers — to create a webstore that gives you an unmatched shopping experience — and we deliver it fast. Very fast. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar retail outlets, our inventory isn’t limited to what we can pack into a storefront or what a counter clerk may be able to find. While they can only offer you hundreds of items, you’re just a few clicks away from millions of parts when you shop PartsHawk — all in stock and ready to ship. And since we don’t own any of those expensive stores, we can offer our parts for less, and that saves you money on every part, every day. A better shopping experience, for every product for every car, whenever you order. |
With the industry’s largest selection of consumer, performance and classic parts, information-rich website, world-class customers service and crazy-fast shipping, PartsHawk has become a new and easier way to purchase any auto part online. And we guarantee it. | ![]() |
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| RETURN POLICY PartsHawk stands behind every item we sell. Occasionally, there may be an issue with your item or your order and we will do our best to ensure you are 100% satisfied. We offer a 60 day exchange or refund policy on all orders. Within 60 days or receipt of your order you may request a return for either an exchange or a refund. All product returns must be in the original packaging, have not been used, installed or damaged due to improper installation. All parts, hardware, documents and instructions must be included in the returns. PartsHawk will also support the manufacture’s warranty for all item during the warranty period offered by the manufacturer. |
Carriers and Ship Methods: We ship most packages to the contiguous 48 states using USPS, UPS or FedEx. Upon shipping we determine the closest distribution center to you and the quickest method. | Note: We do not accept returns for Car Computers, Performance tuners or Vehicle Programmers. If the product is defective we will exchange the unit for the exact item. No new returns on these products. |
Large Parcel Items: For large items (bumpers, side steps, bed covers, etc.), these may be shipped through a truck delivery service. If you are having issues tracking your package please contact us so we can assist you. | Return Check List
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GLOBAL SHIPPING PROGRAM How does shipping work? Placing an order outside the US is easy! In fact, eBay handles the entire transaction for you once we have shipped the product to their warehouse in Kentucky. Once the order has shipped you will receive a tracking number from our warehouse to Kentucky and then another tracking number from Kentucky to you. Additional Charges and Fees Additional shipping, duties and taxes will be calculated by eBay during check out. | Outside the US? Don't worry, PartsHawk is currently shipping to over 100 countries Check the Shipping and Payments section above to see if this item can be shipped to you. |
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What if my order shows shipped but the package is not moving? At times there is a delay in the carrier’s tracking for updates. Please allow up to 24 hours for your tracking to update. If you still do not see any movement, please contact our Customer Service Department and we will be happy to assist. |
What if I am not available when the carrier tries to deliver? If there is no response when the package arrives, the driver may leave the package nearest to the street or make a second delivery attempt on the next business day. Please check your tracking info as it will let you know the next steps for delivery attempt. |
How can I get a copy of my receipt or invoice?
What if the tracking number is not working after 24 hours? Depending on the size of your item, it could be shipped with a truck carrier and will require you to be present at time of delivery. Please feel free to reach out to us and we will provide additional details. | I have special delivery instructions (i.e. Leave by back door, leave with neighbor, place in the planter on the left of my garage, etc.) We recommend leaving a note for the carrier on the door nearest to the street as we do not have a way to communicate those requests for you. |
Why did my item ship from a different location? Many parts are stocked in more than one warehouse location. As a result your order may ship from a location other than the location shown in the listing. In most cases the shipping location will be closer to delivery address as we always try to ship from the closest warehouse to minimize transit times. In some circumstances intraday sales and other inventory changes may result in your item being shipped from a location further from your delivery address. |
Do I have to be there to sign for my package? If your order is over $250 there is a possibility it was shipped with a signature required option. The easiest way to check is to locate the tracking number for your order and open on the carrier’s website. There is no additional cost to you for this service. | Can I pickup my part/order from your warehouse? Sorry, we do not offer the pickup in warehouse option as our warehouses do not have public access | How do I know if this part will fit my vehicle? Check the vehicle compatibility guide above or just reach out to us. Updated 10.19.2023 |
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