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- Kits de tableau de bord( 0 )
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- Couvre-siège( 0 )
- Volants( 0 )
- Pare-soleil
- Jauges personnalisées( 0 )
- Doublures de cargaison( 0 )
- Des places( 122 )
- Couvertures de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Boutons de changement de vitesse( 0 )
- Organisateurs de voiture( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Pédales( 0 )
- Voyage pour animaux de compagnie( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Antivol( 11 )
- Sécurité( 3 )
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- Phares
- Élargisseurs d'ailes( 25 )
- Porte-vélos( 0 )
- Dessus souples et rigides( 0 )
- Grilles personnalisées( 0 )
- Feux arrières
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Balais d'essuie-glace( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Garniture chromée( 0 )
- Couvre tonneau( 0 )
- Déflecteurs d'insectes( 0 )
- Garde-boues( 0 )
- Couvre-pneus de secours et transporteurs( 1 )
- Kits carrosserie( 7 )
- Spoiler( 0 )
- Soutiens-gorge de voiture( 0 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Chasse-neige( 0 )
- Pare-chocs hors route( 0 )
- Déflecteurs de vent( 0 )
- Plaques d'immatriculation et cadres( 2 )
- Visières de toit ouvrant( 0 )
- Cornes personnalisées( 0 )
- Accessoires de lit( 0 )
- Portes verticales( 0 )
- Armure et protection( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Barres de toit( 0 )
- Couvertures légères( 2 )
- Enveloppements de voiture( 0 )
- Remorquage et attelages( 1 )
- Housses de voiture( 0 )
- Treuils( 0 )
- Tentes de voiture( 0 )
Performance( 2465 )
- Systèmes de suspension( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Additionneurs de puissance( 0 )
- Freins et disques( 2672 )
- Systèmes de carburant( 0 )
- Les systèmes d'échappement( 50 )
- Systèmes d'allumage( 0 )
- Systèmes d'admission d'air( 0 )
- Pilotage
- Puces de performances( 0 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Composants du moteur( 0 )
- Transmissions et essieux( 2690 )
- Transmission
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Systèmes de refroidissement( 0 )
- Engrenages de course
- Éclairage( 4186 )
- Roues personnalisées( 0 )
- Pneus( 0 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
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- Roues d'usine( 0 )
- Enjoliveurs de roue( 0 )
- Capteurs tpms( 0 )
- Chaînes de pneus( 0 )
- Écrous de roue et serrures( 37 )
- Capuchons centraux( 0 )
- Entretoises de roue( 0 )
- Pneu de rechange couvre et transporteurs( 1 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
Pièces de rechange( 324 )
- Pièces de suspension( 21 )
- Transmission et essieux( 24 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
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- Pièces électriques
- Filtres de rechange( 0 )
- Pièces de moteur( 11539 )
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- Huiles & fluides( 226 )
- Pièces d'échappement( 3 )
- Climatisation et chauffage( 3271 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
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- Pièces de transmission( 4578 )
- Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Refroidissement du moteur( 1964 )
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- Contrôle des émissions( 0 )
- Pièces de direction( 1342 )
- Pièces d'admission d'air( 4066 )
Parties du corps( 0 )
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- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Phare( 158 )
- Verre automatique( 190 )
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- Des portes( 15 )
- Pièces de fenêtre( 1066 )
Audio et électronique( 6 )
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- Bluetooth( 0 )
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- Caméras d'action et accès.( 0 )
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- Radios cb et composants( 0 )
- Égaliseurs et processeurs( 0 )
- Antennes et composants( 12 )
- La batterie( 0 )
- Support & chargeurs( 2 )
- Vidéo( 0 )
- Intégration iphone et android( 0 )
Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Outils de vidange d'huile( 0 )
- Outils de service de suspension et de direction( 0 )
- Outils du système électrique( 0 )
- Élévateurs et supports automobiles( 0 )
- Bougie d'allumage et outil d'allumage( 0 )
- Entretien du système de carburant( 0 )
- Outils de diagnostic et de test( 22 )
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- Outils pour roues et pneus( 0 )
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- Outils d'entretien du système d'échappement( 0 )
- Plantes grimpantes( 0 )
- Outils de réparation de bosses( 0 )
- Chargeur de batterie et démarreur de saut( 0 )
- Extracteurs et installateurs( 2 )
- Outils de verre automatique( 0 )
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- Recharge du vé( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du moteur( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système de refroidissement( 0 )
- Trousses de verrouillage( 0 )
- Protection des véhicules et des pièces( 0 )
- Machines à tailler les clés( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien des freins( 0 )
- Outils et équipement de climatisation( 0 )
- Valets( 1 )
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NT301 OBD2 Scanner Live Data Professional Mechanic OBDII Diagnostic Code Reader Tool for Check Engine Light
Prix régulier $0.00 $105.30

- 【Vehicle CEL Doctor】The NT301 obd2 scanner enables you to read DTCs, access to emissions readiness status, turn off CEL(check engine light) or MIL, reset monitor, read live data and retrieve VIN of your vehicle.
- 【Accuracy & Streams】Live data graphing and logging. Accurately read error codes for most Worldwide cars, SUVs, light trucks and 12V diesels equipped with Obd2. Graphing live vehicle sensors data allows you to focus on any suspicious data and trend.
- 【Worthy to Own】Recommended by Mechanic Scotty Kilmer on Youtube. Codes analysis and Printer compatible. Unique PATENTED design, 2.8" color screen, Free Lifetime Update and 1-year seller assurance with EXCLUSIVE tech and service team.
- 【Smog Check Helper】Read/Erase and I/M readiness hotkeys make it easy to use the car computer reader right out of the package. Red-Yellow-Green Leds and build-in speaker indicate the readiness status for confident e-missions test.
- 【Home Necessity】Open to global customers. No battery required, NT301 obd scanner is charged directly from the 16pin DLC in your vehicle. It is recommended as a necessity in your toolbox and one of the best gifts for Home and Autoshop Mechanics.
- 【Please Note】Dear customer, if you are not pleased with your NT301 and choose to return it, please kindly mark it unsellable to avoid an used one is resold again to other customers. Appreciate very much!
- 【Warm Tips】NT301 car scanner can be used directly with no need for registration or update, as it is already the latest version. Your Foxwell's screen is with a tightly-fitting screen protector. If any scratches are found, just tear off the screen protector from the upper left or upper right corner. :)
Product Description
People always spend hundreds of even thousands of dollars on their vehicles just because the engine light was on. In fact, this NT301 code scanner could help you to determine the cause of the engine light, and tell you what’s wrong with your car engine, and if it is necessary to be sent to workshop.
Reads live sensor/on-board monitor test data.
Graphing Live Data
Foxwell car diagnostic scan tool support read live data for engine system, and shows live vehicle senors data in text and graph formay and allow you to focus on any suspicious or symptom-specific data parameters. It is therefore ideal for use at home, and is very easy to use. Moreover, this vehicle code reader will save lots of car maintenance costs for you.
Records/playbacks live sensor data.
Data Logging
This engine diagnostic tool can read freeze frame data which shows engine conditions such as fuel trim, fuel pressure, engine coolant temp, etc. Then records PIDs for later use to help you diagnose intermittent driving performance problems which can not be determined by any other methods.
Built-in DTC look up library for possible causes.
DTC Help
Foxwell NT301 car diagnostic tool has a built-in DTC look up library, problem repair help for codes detected, verified fixes for common problems. This engine code reader can be automatically displayed after reading, press "HELP" button with DTC guide for possible causes if codes show the small "?" icon.
One-click hot keys for a smog check.
I/M Readiness
This automotive scan tool is designed for fast use so you can get the results you want in the shortest time with one-click hot keys for reading/clearing DTCs. To know if you are ready for a smog check, press I/M button(rubber) for 3 seconds. Red-Yellow-Green LEDs and build-in speaker indicate the readiness status for smog check.
Print diagnostic data reports to analyze.
Data Print
This code reader enables you determine the problem yourself, or let you know exactly what needs replacement in case you need. If you are unable to determine the problem, you can print out the diagnostic data and send the data to your mechanic for help.
Optional NT301 case for protection.
Optional Carrying Case
With this NT301 obdii code scanner case protection carrying case, you can prevent your scanner from being damaged whether you place it in a trunk, toolbox, or garage. The box also got a interlayer for accessories such as extension cables. It is an accessory and necessity for car tools, electrical tools, home tools,etc.
Full OBD Service Modes
The Foxwell NT301 obd2 code reader is an enhanced OBD II and EOBD scanner that covers all obd2 protocols and all OBD diagnostic services, therefore obd-ii reader will work with virtually any vehicle equipped with obd2 and view more powertrain diagnostic data than other obd2 scan tool.
Enhanced OBD II Functions
NT301 car error code reader can not only read and clear engine fault codes, save money for you, but also have some enhanced functions (LED Indicator, Data Log, DTC Help, VIN Retrival, Print Data) which could help you find some deep problems so that makes your diagnosis easier.
Save Time and Money
This obd2 reader is designed for fast use so you can get the results you want in the shortest time with one-click hot keys for reading/clearing DTCs.
User-friendly Design
Hand-held size, clearly arranged keypad, menu-driven navigation, hotkeys and 2.8'' color screen together make the obd scan tool extremely easy to use.
Optional Carrying Case
With this Foxwell NT301 scanner protection carrying case, you can prevent it from being damaged whether you place it in a trunk, toolbox, or garage.
Optional Extension Cable
It is designed for extended the OBD2 cable on your vehicle's OBDII protocol. Can save the wear and tear on your scan tool's OBD connector.
The Foxwell NT301 obd2 code scanner can read and erase codes which can also retrieve a wealth of information from the Engine Control Unit (ECU). The ECU is what triggers the Check Engine Light when there is a problem with your car. Parts might cause your check engine light on include:
#1. Gas Cap #2. Air Fuel Ratio Sensor #3. Mass Air Flow Sensor #4. Ignition Coils #5. Spark Plugs #6. Thermostat.
And the NT301 obdii code reader will read codes indicating these fault parts. After the car problems have been solved, Foxwell NT301 car code reader can erase codes and determine the cause of the engine light. (Note, MIL codes will come back resulted from maintenance failure. Please read Quick Start Guide comes with the package to get familiar with NT301. User Manual can be downloaded in the Product guides and documents in this page to make the utmost of the full potential of NT301 check engine light tool, and Specification Sheet as well is available to better know about NT301 auto scanner.) Plenty of Youtube videos are available for use instruction.
Get to know from seeing is believing what needs to be repaired NOW! And Drive out with your family when this difficult time is over!!!
Will this automotive scanner diagnostic tool work on my vehicle?
NT301 car scanner obd2 supports most cars, SUVs, light trucks and 12V diesels around the world with OBD II Protocol since 1996. If you are not sure whether it is compatible with your car, just be free to write us via AMZ messages/Email/Q&A Part.
What live data can be read by this check engine light diagnostic tool?
How much data can be read depends on the vehicle, there are over 40 graphing live data (Can be download a whole list), to list some: FUELSYS(fuel system status), LOAD_PCT(Calculated load value),ECT(Engine Coolant Temperature), etc.
Can NT301 vehicle diagnostic scanner be upgraded on MAC system?
Sorry, the foxwell nt301 obd2 scanner can be updated on Windows systems only(including windows 10), please visit Foxwell official website and download NTWonder and update (already the latest version, not recommended before use).
Will scanner automotriz read ABS/ airbag codes?
Sorry, NT301 obdii scanner is able to read and clear check engine information which is part of OBDII system, but it cannot work on non-OBDII systems(ABS/airbag/oil service light,ect.).
More Tablet Scanner Recommended from Foxwell Store
Value (Excluding Discounts) | 959.00 | 799.99 | 679.00 | 569.00 | 499.98 | 379.99 | 269.99 |
Screen Type & Size | 10.1" LCD Touch Screen | 8" LCD Touch Screen | 7" LCD Touch Screen | 7" LCD Touch Screen | 7" LCD Touch Screen | 5.5" LCD Touch Screen | 4.3" TFT Color Screen |
Operating System | Android 9.0 with Apps | Android 9.0 with Apps | Android 9.0 | Android 9.0 | Android 9.0 | Android 9.0 | Android 9.0 |
Battery Capacity | 8000mAh | 8000mAh | 4000mAh | 4000mAh | 4000mAh | 4000mAh | Plug & Play |
Diagnostic System | All Systems | All Systems | All Systems | All Systems | All Systems | All Systems | All Systems |
Special Reset Functions | 30+ | 24+ | 30+ | 30+ | 30+ | 8 | 5 |
Bi-directional Control | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | × | × |
Bluetooth Connection | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | × | × | × |
Comprehensive TPMS Functions | × | × | ✓ | × | × | × | × |
Advanced ECU Coding | ✓ | ✓ | × | × | × | × | × |
Brush Hidden Function | ✓ | ✓ | × | × | × | × | × |
Software Update | Free 2 Years Update via WiFi | Free 2 Years Update via WiFi | Free 3 Years Update via WiFi | Free 3 Years Update via WiFi | Free 3 Years Update via WiFi | Free Lifetime Update via PC | Free Lifetime Update via PC |
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