Accès intérieur.
- Kits de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Tapis de sol( 0 )
- Couvre-siège( 0 )
- Volants( 0 )
- Pare-soleil
- Jauges personnalisées( 0 )
- Doublures de cargaison( 0 )
- Des places( 122 )
- Couvertures de tableau de bord( 0 )
- Boutons de changement de vitesse( 0 )
- Organisateurs de voiture( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Pédales( 0 )
- Voyage pour animaux de compagnie( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Antivol( 11 )
- Sécurité( 3 )
Accès extérieur.
- Marchepieds( 0 )
- Phares
- Élargisseurs d'ailes( 25 )
- Porte-vélos( 0 )
- Dessus souples et rigides( 0 )
- Grilles personnalisées( 0 )
- Feux arrières
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Balais d'essuie-glace( 0 )
- Équipement de fourgon commercial.( 0 )
- Garniture chromée( 0 )
- Couvre tonneau( 0 )
- Déflecteurs d'insectes( 0 )
- Garde-boues( 0 )
- Couvre-pneus de secours et transporteurs( 1 )
- Kits carrosserie( 7 )
- Spoiler( 0 )
- Soutiens-gorge de voiture( 0 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Chasse-neige( 0 )
- Pare-chocs hors route( 0 )
- Déflecteurs de vent( 0 )
- Plaques d'immatriculation et cadres( 2 )
- Visières de toit ouvrant( 0 )
- Cornes personnalisées( 0 )
- Accessoires de lit( 0 )
- Portes verticales( 0 )
- Armure et protection( 0 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Barres de toit( 0 )
- Couvertures légères( 2 )
- Enveloppements de voiture( 0 )
- Remorquage et attelages( 1 )
- Housses de voiture( 0 )
- Treuils( 0 )
- Tentes de voiture( 0 )
Performance( 2465 )
- Systèmes de suspension( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Additionneurs de puissance( 0 )
- Freins et disques( 2672 )
- Systèmes de carburant( 0 )
- Les systèmes d'échappement( 50 )
- Systèmes d'allumage( 0 )
- Systèmes d'admission d'air( 0 )
- Pilotage
- Puces de performances( 0 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Composants du moteur( 0 )
- Transmissions et essieux( 2690 )
- Transmission
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Systèmes de refroidissement( 0 )
- Engrenages de course
- Éclairage( 4186 )
- Roues personnalisées( 0 )
- Pneus( 0 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
- Couvertures d'étrier( 0 )
- Roues d'usine( 0 )
- Enjoliveurs de roue( 0 )
- Capteurs tpms( 0 )
- Chaînes de pneus( 0 )
- Écrous de roue et serrures( 37 )
- Capuchons centraux( 0 )
- Entretoises de roue( 0 )
- Pneu de rechange couvre et transporteurs( 1 )
- Ensemble roues et pneus( 64 )
Pièces de rechange( 324 )
- Pièces de suspension( 21 )
- Transmission et essieux( 24 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Pièces de frein( 11241 )
- Pièces électriques
- Filtres de rechange( 0 )
- Pièces de moteur( 11539 )
- Démarrage et recharge( 68 )
- Huiles & fluides( 226 )
- Pièces d'échappement( 3 )
- Climatisation et chauffage( 3271 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
- Turbo et superchargeurs( 2 )
- Pièces de transmission( 4578 )
- Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Refroidissement du moteur( 1964 )
- Pièces d'allumage( 25 )
- Livraison de carburant( 0 )
- Contrôle des émissions( 0 )
- Pièces de direction( 1342 )
- Pièces d'admission d'air( 4066 )
Parties du corps( 0 )
- Miroirs( 6 )
- Quart de panneau( 0 )
- Essuie-glaces et rondelles( 137 )
- Phare( 158 )
- Verre automatique( 190 )
- Toit( 0 )
- Feu arrière( 0 )
- Coffres et hayons( 5 )
- Emblèmes et logos( 89 )
- Pare-chocs( 276 )
- Partie intérieure
- Peinture et fournitures de peinture( 267 )
- Aile( 9 )
- Bas de caisse et planchers( 16 )
- Capot( 110 )
- Cadres de châssis et carrosserie( 3253 )
- Gardes de calandre( 0 )
- Panneau d'en-tête( 0 )
- Des portes( 15 )
- Pièces de fenêtre( 1066 )
Audio et électronique( 6 )
- Stéréos( 0 )
- Haut-parleurs
- Détecteurs de radars( 0 )
- Bluetooth( 0 )
- Caméras et sécurité du conducteur( 0 )
- Caméras d'action et accès.( 0 )
- Alarmes et démarrage à distance( 0 )
- Amplificateur( 0 )
- Caisson de basses( 0 )
- Radios cb et composants( 0 )
- Égaliseurs et processeurs( 0 )
- Antennes et composants( 12 )
- La batterie( 0 )
- Support & chargeurs( 2 )
- Vidéo( 0 )
- Intégration iphone et android( 0 )
Outils automobiles( 0 )
- Outils de vidange d'huile( 0 )
- Outils de service de suspension et de direction( 0 )
- Outils du système électrique( 0 )
- Élévateurs et supports automobiles( 0 )
- Bougie d'allumage et outil d'allumage( 0 )
- Entretien du système de carburant( 0 )
- Outils de diagnostic et de test( 22 )
- Chariots et déménageurs( 0 )
- Outils pour roues et pneus( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien de transmission( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système d'échappement( 0 )
- Plantes grimpantes( 0 )
- Outils de réparation de bosses( 0 )
- Chargeur de batterie et démarreur de saut( 0 )
- Extracteurs et installateurs( 2 )
- Outils de verre automatique( 0 )
- Chariots de service( 0 )
- Recharge du vé( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du moteur( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien du système de refroidissement( 0 )
- Trousses de verrouillage( 0 )
- Protection des véhicules et des pièces( 0 )
- Machines à tailler les clés( 0 )
- Outils d'entretien des freins( 0 )
- Outils et équipement de climatisation( 0 )
- Valets( 1 )
- Détails automatiques( 0 )
- Manuel de réparation automobile( 0 )
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À partir de 1 $
Assistance 24h/24 et 7j/7
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Philips Automotive Lighting 921WLED Ultinon LED (White), 2 Pack
$33.74 $85.04

Ultinon LED lighting

If you are looking to upgrade your style without buying a new car, replacing your interior and exterior lighting with Philips Ultinon LEDs is a smart way to spend your money. Philips Ultinon LED lights are a direct replacement for conventional bulbs. They’re easy to install and available for a wide range of interior and exterior applications. Whether it’s for backup, stopping, or signaling, Philips Ultinon exterior lighting is designed to provide excellent light distribution. The light is projected where you need it so not only can you see more inside your car, you can see more on the road. Make a statement and get noticed with Philips LEDs.
Get bright signaling and stylish driving with Philips Ultinon LEDs

Interior lighting:
Make a style statement with Philips Ultinon interior LED lights. Philips LED lights offer a choice of cool blue or the high-tech 6000K bright white light for a more stylish interior. Whether it’s for your phone, your keys, or some spare change, we all have had to search for misplaced items in a dark car. With Philips LED interior lighting, you get a bright, uniformly diffused light. SO the next time you’re searching around in the trunk, the glove compartment, or on the floor of your car, you’ll be able to see better to find that missing item faster.
Exterior lighting:
Philips Ultinon LED exterior signaling lights lets you add performance and style to your ride. Upgrade your exterior lighting with a more intense red for stop lights, a more vibrant amber for turn signals, and brighter white light for backup and position lights. Signaling your attention to other drivers is vital to your safety. The instant-on feature ensures that you’re seen for improved safety.
Durable, long-lasting LED lighting

You want bright, stylish lighting for your car but you don’t want to keep replacing burned out bulbs. Philips Ultinon LED lights give you high-powered, automotive grade LEDs, with a lifetime up to 8 years. With conventional bulbs, the more powerful the light, the shorter its lifespan. Philips Ultinon LEDs deliver bright even light, yet have excellent resistance to heat and vibration. This makes them the perfect choice for a long-lasting performance.

Philips Ultinon LEDs use significantly less power than incandescent bulbs. Because of their energy-saving performance, Philips Ultinon LEDs can cause a dashboard error message or fast flash error. After installation of LED bulbs, some cars may go into ‘limp home’ mode. The car’s computer is looking for resistor value of the incandescent bulb, but the LED has a different resistor value than the incandescent bulb. The difference in resistor values can cause the car to go into ‘limp home’ mode, and you could receive a message that the car has a problem. Thankfully this happens rarely and the issue can be resolved. First, verify that the limp mode is being caused by the LEDs by replacing them with the incandescent bulbs. If the ‘limp home’ mode clears, it was most likely caused by the LED bulbs. This means that you’ll want to install a Philips LED CANbus enabling adapter to provide the resistor value that the vehicle computer expects to see. Installation takes only minutes and requires only a pair of pliers.
We offer two types of CANbus enabling adapters for exterior and interior applications. The 5W CANbus is used for interior applications and license plate lighting. The 21W CANbus enabling adapter is used for exterior applications.
Philips Ultinon LEDs are a direct replacement for conventional bulbs. Just follow the instructions on the package for easy installation. If your LED doesn’t light up, it’s likely that you need to “reverse the polarity” by flipping the LED bulb. LEDs work like batteries with a positive and negative polarity. If the LED does not light up, simply remove the LED, flip the direction and reinstall.
Since LED bulbs only draw current in one direction, the bulbs will not work unless inserted a certain way. So if the LEDs are inserted incorrectly, simply flip the LED and you’re all set to see and be seen.
Philips Automotive: Leading-edge lighting technology since 1914
Original equipment quality seal for the most reliable performance
Don't compromise on safety, change in pairs
Safety you can see

From high performance lighting that improves driver safety, to lighting designed to enhance the style of your ride, Philips offers automotive lighting choices that help you to make the most out of your driving experience.
All Philips Automotive Lighting products incorporate the leading edge lighting technology and original equipment quality that have made us one of the first choice of car manufacturers around the world.
Choosing original equipment bulbs reduces the chance of early failure thanks to their higher quality standards.
At the end of their life, lamps project less light, thereby reducing visibility. When changing a headlight bulb, it's best to change in pairs to ensure a symmetric light beam from both bulbs on the road. In addition, it's simply more efficient to change both headlight bulbs while your car is in for service, rather than only replace the failed one.
New, modern bulbs have increased light output and increased performance, offering a safer driving experience. And remember, two new headlights are safer than one.
Our products are designed to increase driver safety. Because we understand that safer driving is driving that offers you a clearer view of the road. And when you see more, you have more time to react to hazards.
Safer vehicles with improved lighting really do make a difference. That's safety you can see.

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